Fire on the Beaches
The cliffs where imposing. The solid rock walls rose hundreds of feet in front, above stood imposing, black, iron bunkers and shining steel walkers. Behind, the frigid Channel waters, icy and trapping the Evolutionaries. Dion had...
Dion's D-Day
"_The Hell am I doing?_" was the only thought that ran through Dion's mind, as she waited with her sisters- and brothers-in-arms. The boat's hull was bleak and smooth, metallic in texture but soft to the touch. The boat itself was...
"Doktor...Doktor!" He was in pain. His scales felt melted and cold. His bones where poking at things they shouldn't be. Not to mention he...
Crash Course
High Altitude-Near Orbital Drop Shock Organism Troop. It is a special military program to bring in Shock Troops of the most elite anthros, and...
Hard Landing
> "Doktor!...Doktor! Get Up!..." That voiced called to him. It seemed so familiar. "Doktror!!!" It just won't go away... "DOKTOR!" His eyes snapped open, and he sat straight up, feeling the effects of HA-NODSOT (High Altitude-Near...
The Bridge Of Cologne prt. 2
Vandal trudged on, helping any of his Brothers and Sisters to their feet, handing them their weapons and urging them to fall back to the city, while he questioned them where his love was. Many had pointed him farther onto the bridge. Slowly he made...
History, from The First to Second Great War
_History:_ 1914: The First World War begins with the assassination of the Archduke of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Franz Ferdinand. 1916: The Communist revolt is quilled by the New Mongolian Horde, led by a Siberian simply know as Baron Udenberg....
Panzerman Battle
Gunfire hailed down around Takara and Vandal. The two dashed for new cover as 88's and 99's stopped firing and zeroed in on new targets, most likely other Evolutionary Forces trying to break into Cologne farther north. Vandal's squad had died...
"Hold the port and protect those civilians! The transports will be here! Give them not one inch of ground! Give them every cap and give your life if you must! But! You! Will! Hold! This! PORT!" bellowed the Lieutenant, the last surviving officer of...
Retreat from Bastogne
The whistle of artillery shells are loud and sharp, painful to most of the ears of Anthros', or perhaps the Clunkers purposely etched the fins of shells to make such high toned music play from the sky. It was when a full battery fired together that...