Chronicles of an End: On the Road again- Part Three

Author's note: Okay it's finally here. It took way too long, and isn't as long as I would like, but hey chapter three is here! Well this series started off as just a side story to take a break from Bioshock (which has been cancelled due to horrible...

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Chronicles of an End: Granis - Part Two

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone, here's chapter two. So this story has evolved into its own full length series. I really didn't intend for that to happen, but I got sucked into my own universe and couldn't resist making a series out of this idea. Sorry...

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Memories Of Those We Have Lost...

Memories of those we have lost The shadows of the dead linger in our hearts... They appear to the living, oblivious to our presence... We are cursed to relive their final moments in our minds... They group together in their misery... They...

This is Me...

**This is me...** What is life? Life is a question... Where am I? You are here... Is here the world? Yes and no... What is the no? The no is you... But who am I? That answer is a riddle... How do I answer that question then? Just...



**Cards** ** ** The cards are dealt, The impact is felt, Two hands we see, How will these lives be? To one goes a loving home, Another is left to roam. To one happiness and kindness felt, The other only hardships and welts, ...

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