Executive decisions Chapter 16
Polished black lace-up brogues touched scorched dust and Peregrin alighted onto the universe's deepest realm; the Underworld. The roar of its generators hummed in his long grey ears. The intense heat that they radiated swept over his grey skin....
From the desk of the General. Part 8: Full of hot air
From the desk of the General Part 8: Full of hot air There are many departments within the Kaos Army and one of these is the Breaking Shed. The breaking shed does exactly what the sign says; they break stuff. Well, not exactly break as in...
From the desk of the General. Mission 7: Doubt Squad
From the desk of the General Doubt Squad Orcs are an interesting bunch; big, dumb, ugly, elf-like lumbering creatures in various shades of green with enormous muscles and very small brains. You can almost hear the hamsters on their squeaky...
The Book of Warlock 21. Welcome to Warlock Court
Paper flipped, page after page, dry rustling filling the room. A few murmurs. A cough. It was quite the interesting dossier that had been placed before the committee. There had been rumours spread in hushed corridors, whispers of a madness that had...
The Book of Warlock 20. At the edge of oblivion
A gate flashed open in the strange blank area outside of space and time known as the astral plane, and the starry cat's ears pricked up, alert. A dragon was passing through, carrying a big, glowing stick of sorts. Just as suddenly as it appeared, it...
The Book of Warlock 19. No good deed goes unpunished.
The gathered goblins out in the churned, muddied fields below their citadel were concerned to say the least upon the rumbling and shaking that occurred as blue light lit up the snow dusted mountain that they called home. They watched helplessly as...
Hell on Earth. Chapter 2
"You know what look you want, right?" Rap fussed, as they moved together down the many stairs into the study halls. Anar shrugged, evasively. "Remember," the gentle raptor continued, "less is more. Understated evil is the way to go. Those other knobs...
Hell on Earth. Chapter 1
The leaves of the trees outside the window were turning in hue; from vibrant fresh green tones, to burnt umber and deep rust. The signs of death and decay that swept across the landscape, preparing for a bitter winter onslaught. For now, though, this...
The Book of Warlock 24. Until we meet again.
There was a moment of freefall, a lurch in the pit of the stomach, a feeling of weightlessness. Time had stood still. They were immobilised, unable to think, incapable of breathing. Frozen. The space between the tick of a clock. Then with a...
The Book of Warlock 15. Aggravated Assault.
The dawn sunrise had brought with it an unwanted gift in the form of a rift in the skies. A darkened fiery gaping hole in the very fabric of reality. It looked like something from an ancient prophecy come true. A dire warning of...
Hell on Earth. Chapter 7
Rap and Rave found Anar surrounded by dusty old books, madly flipping through the aged pages, stabbing his neat fingernails at random pictures and passages, muttering to himself. "I always knew he was a few digestives short of a packet," Rave rumbled,...
Hell on Earth. Chapter 18
Tripping and stumbling, falling forwards while wheezing and regretting every fast-food item he'd ever consumed, Anarchy Warlock hurtled down the levels of Hell hand-in-hand with the succubus girl that he really wished was his girlfriend, though Rap...