[Detective Thursdays] For Sale
I was packing for the trip, wandering around my apartment picking things up, putting them down. As my paws rested on a picture of my academy class I turned and sat down with it. My mind going back to my first night as a real police...
[Detective Thursdays] Silver Knife
Six hours from leaving for the trip I pull a file out of my cabinet. Folding the manilla back my eyes glance over the front page of a newspaper from a few months after I started on the force. The dat was May 21, the headline read "Bay City Detectives,...
[Detective Thursdays] The Ship
"Where's Girun?" "I ain't seen Girun in two weeks." "So you're saying that he isn't here?" "No sir, I's jus' sayin' I ain't seen 'im." I could tell Jigun was lying but, with nothing aside from a hunch that the Hyena Brothers were responsible for...
[Detective Thursdays] Day Off
Uki had the day off. But as she sat in her apartment watching the news report on the nights events she felt ill. Tanu had been so insistent that she go do what she wanted for the day, that they weren't going to work on cases. It struck her as odd then...
[Detective Thursdays] Egg on Your Face
Nine A.M. that morning found me, still a bit damp around the edges thanks to the rain, at Camela's on Fifth and Bay. I gave Uki the day off. I sat at the dinner's counter, a cup of deep red tea steaming in front of me. The dinner still looks like the...
[Detective Thursdays] The Overnight Shift
"Round five, James." A boar called Tenchal remarked as he passed a jaguar on the midship decks. James simply growled back at him, the big cat's hand drifting down to his knife. Tenchal waved his hands as he apologized profusely. "Geez, I'm sorry, K?...
[Detective Thursdays] A Skeptic's Chance
It was the dark time of just after midnight on the morning of April Ninth and I was on my way to a sting. I'd been tipped off that the Russian mob was bringing in something big by ship down on the east side. There was a nagging in the back of my mind...