The Golden Stag, Pt 4: Not Happy Here
The Golden Stag, episode four: Not Happy Here Written by Jaeger Dominus * * * There was that little snot that stole my heart before, many sidedays ago. That was the reason I was here. But I was a half-mak, someone that was worth respecting. You...
The Golden Stag, Pt 3: Death of the Author 2
The Golden Stag, episode three: Death Of The Author 2 Written by Jaeger Dominus * * * Whenever I wasn't practicing my signature (For my paper checks, told not to trust debit) I was playing dota 2 by myself. I liked to call it "Death of The Author 2"...
The Golden Stag, Pt 2: CWS Distress
The Golden Stag, episode two: CWS Distress Written by Jaeger Dominus * * * I was a rural deer hunter. Funny enough, murder helped protect them. Humans need not apply. They're clearly not animals. They're someone, not something. Back to what I was...
The Sun Long Set on Amazon/Bonus Content Announcement!
Hey, folks! I just saw that three people subscribed to see new chapters from The Sun Long Set on SoFurry. I've got good news and I got bad news, though. The bad news is that I'm having to take down my previously released content...