Drako's wish, A dragons tale

Sorry for the long wait had to deal with a few thing of my personal life and I'm not going to submit chapter 10 and 11 and 12 until after Christmas so this is my last one until the end of the month. Book one is going to be a dusey of a story (Now I...

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Drako's wish, A dragons Tale

Ok back on schedule. Here chapter Eight. Nine will be on maybe this weekand. If not sooner. Hope you enjoy Chapter 8 The hardship The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I looked to my side. Marina was gone. I clasped...

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Drako's wish, a Dragons tale

OK next one hope yall enjoy. Drako's Wish, a Dragons tale Chapter Seven: The Shaman I woke up slowly not wanting to open my eyes. I looked around. I was in a hut. I heard some faint crackling of fire outside the tent. I slowly to get up...

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Drako's wish, a dragons tale

Ok here chapter six, sorry for the wait, my dog died early this week so i've had a fucked up week. well here it is enjoy. Drako's wish, a dragons Tale Chapter Six: Valley in Flames I woke up in a daze the next morning. It was warm in...

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Grandpa's story

An old man sat there in his recliner sipping on his hot coffee, warming his bones from the days work on the outside yard. Shoveling and moving snow out of the driveway from a blizzard that had ravished his town. Pomona wasn't that big. It was your...

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I'm to old, Kayla

Dark thunder clouds rolled as lightning flashed over head, as fires starting all over the City Shinjuku. B-10 Bombers flying over the city, as they dropped their load on the city below. I was stationed in the town central. I was the only one there...

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