I'm to old, Kayla

Story by Technofreak101 on SoFurry

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Dark thunder clouds rolled as lightning flashed over head, as fires starting all over the City Shinjuku. B-10 Bombers flying over the city, as they dropped their load on the city below. I was stationed in the town central. I was the only one there protecting the big building. "Damn it, where's my support." I retorted, holding my KTU-22 assault rifle. I heard foot steps coming from around the corner. I got on my stomach not wanting to be seen. A small Fox child came running around the corner. Her face covered with dirt and mats. Running right behind was an enemy soldier. He looked to be a Doberman. I aimed my rifle at him, closing one eye. I aimed for his head. I pulled the trigger, the recoil sending me back a bit. The bullet shot straight through the Doberman head, completely decapitated the fucker. The little girl screamed. I quickly got to my feet running to the little girl, to shush her. I picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. I dashed back to the building, taking cover behind a wreaked car. She was in tears, calling for her mother. I pulled her closer, trying to get her to stop. "Shush little one, you're safe now."

"I want my mama. Where's my Mommy?" She cried out.

I looked around, looking for any signs of movement. Then I lifted my hand to my helmet. I pushed a button, "Hey anybody out there? Sergeant Qua here, I'm currently at town central taking cover. I have a little girl here. I need emergency truck to take this little girl away."

The little girl looked at me with big violet green eyes. Her fur was filthy but I could see signs of bright red with a tinge of brown. Her tail was red with a white tip. She wore a shirt that was torn around her small breast. That Doberman most likely tried to rape her. Her skirt was torn as well. She had no shoes on and no socks. "I don't want to go." She rapped her arms around me. I hesitated for a minute not really sure what to do, then slowly rapped my arms around her as she cried. She shook her head, "I want to stay with you."

"First you want your Mother, now you want to stay with me. Alright let's get you inside. It's raining right now. I'm sure there a back up generator in that building behind me." I got, picking the little Fox girl up. "How old are you little one?"

"My names Kayla and I'm 13. I'm small for my age aren't I?" I laughed at that. Huh? I laughed that strange. "What's your name mister?"

"Well I'm Sergeant Qua but you may call me John if you like." I said looking up.

"Thank you John for saving me back there. I thought I was goner!" She said.

I walked through the doors of the town hall. I unlatched my flashed light and my pistol that I had tucked away in my jacket. "I want you to be quiet, Kayla. You can stay on my shoulder but you have to stay quiet."

She put her hands over her lips. I pointed the gun up, and putting the flash light on top. I quickly searched the building. I found several fridges that had food and drinks in it, also several vending machines. Finally I found a bedroom with a bed. I told Kayla to get down from my shoulder. She did it and quickly sat down on the queen size bed. I looked about the room and saw no sign of anybody hiding. I then turned to Kayla and handed her the pistol, "Do you know how to use this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, my mother taught me how to use one before the war started." Kayla said as she shook her head up and down.

"Alright I want you to stay here and shot anybody that comes in, ok?" I said to her in a strict voice. I move my tail a bit side ways.

"Ok." Was what she said.

I turned towards that door but before leaving, "I will be back real quick ok?"

I left the room. I made my way down to the basement. Looking around with the flashlight attached to my rifle. I gave Kayla the other one for she could at least see.

After looking for about twenty minute, I found what looked like a generator in the far left corner of the basement. I flashed my flashlight over it and found that it was the generator. So I flipped the switch but nothing happen. Then it started to buzz, then click the light came on. I looked around and saw bunch of junk chairs. Suddenly I heard a scream. I bolted up the flank of stairs, racing to where Kayla was. I heard a gun shot. That made me runs even faster. I got to the room she was in but only to find a dead body on the floor and Kayla nowhere insight. I bent down and placed two fingers on the guy neck, to make sure he's dead, which he was. I heard whimper. I look to my side and there in the corner curled in a little ball was Kayla. I slowly walked up to her, lying down next to her, curling up around her, placing my muzzle on her head.

She turned her body around towards where she could cry in my arms. I rapped my arms around her and hugged her, trying to comfort her as much as possible. This was weird to me. I had never been a father, or a big brother. I didn't have a girl back at home and I had no family considering my whole family had died for my country. I remember when I was her age when I had got news that my mother and father had died in bomb accident. I had no uncle and aunts. I was on my own. I went to a foster care for the rest of my teenage years. When I finished high school, I was pulled into the armed forces. I remember my first mission I did. I was assigned to a small platoon that was sent to take out some terrorist on a small island off the coast of Chanukah.

From there I was sent here to this hell hole. Kayla was still had her body towards me, she had her body right up against me. She had her head lying next to my chest. I leaded my hand on her head. I ran my finger through her heir, and then ran my hand down the length of her side, now resting on her the side of her ass. I heard her start purr and cuddled closer to me. I could of sore I heard her say 'I love you'. I quietly picked her up and placed her on the bed, pulling the covers back over her. Then I walked over to the window to look out side. I saw that the fires were put out and the sounds of guns firing had subsided. It was quiet out there. "Sergeant Qua...*ssshhhhhh* Do you come in?" I heard over the COM link. I quickly moved my hand up to push the button that turns on the mic.

"I read you loud and clear Lieutenant Madams. What the statues out there. I'm at the town hall with a 13 year old girl." I said.

"Thank the gods your ok. The enemy is retreating, thanks to the hover tanks. I'm at an M.A.S.H on the out skirts on the city. I and many other can not get to you until morning. All the roads are blocked off, so it's going to be awhile until we get to you. So sit tight relax. I'm sure there is a TV in that big house you're." Lieutenant Madams laughed. "This is a victorious night, John. When we get back home, I'll take you out on the town."

She cut off. I moved back to the bed. I took my armor off and my pants off. I pulled back the covers and lade down covering myself up. I slowly fell asleep with the rifle in my arms.

The next morning I woke up to something curled up next to me. I opened my eyes and found Kayla fast asleep next to me. I looked up and found the dead body gone and the door closed. I notice something on the door. I got up, trying not to wake Kayla up. I found on the door was a note saying: John, there's a jeep out front, keys in the glove department. I didn't want to wake you and your cute little girlfriend. You can stay where you are because it will be awhile before any planes come in. You can relax and have some down time. Ok? There is a bar that just opened back up to feed people.

Well I'll catch you later

Lieutenant Molly Madams

P.S: There are some condoms in the drawer if you need it. Sorry I just went by my instincts

"Leave it to Molly to leave condoms." I grinned. I heard the covers move behind me. I felt arms rapt around mid-chest. I turned around and looked down. Kayla jumped up in my arms and kissed me on the lips. I went wide from the shock of her kissing me, then going I closed them as an unbelievable feeling washed over my body. Tilted my head sideways to make the kiss more effective, knowing it already is. I slowly walked back over to the bed. Kayla rapped both legs around my sides, getting more comfortable. I came to my senses and pushed away, breaking up the kiss. Kayla looked at me with confusion. "I can't do this Kayla. You're too young, I'm too old. This wouldn't work out." I looked away. I felt Kayla put her warm hand on my face. I looked back at her. "I love you John! Can't you see that?" She smiled at me. I still stayed strong on what I said.

"I love you to but this won't work out. You're 13, I'm 25. Do the math Kayla. It just won't work out."

She pulled me in and kissed me again. "S...s...stop it Kayla. Please just stop!" I pushed her off my lap and got up. I notice my boxers short were bulging. Kayla looked at it with wide eyes. I ran to the door and left.

To be continued: what will happen