POV vore - you and Toothless the dragon

They call it a shiftsuit. You pull at one sleeve to check the seal between glove and cuff. You feel the elastic snap as you let go. It's a skintight rubbery thing, like a wetsuit but much, much more expensive. The inner layer is insulation, wicking...

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The Feral Four File

Eighth of the Savage stories, if you conside this a story. Someone's been watching the Four and keeping careful notes. This can't possibly cause problems for anyone. \*\*\*\*\* From the files of [REDACTED], as forwarded to U.S. Special Operations...

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The checkup

Sixth of the Savage stories. Savage has a checkup, and Ratbat works on a project. **The Checkup** A Savage superhero story By Strega "I don't think this is necessary," Savage rumbled. "You say that every time," the Veterinarian said, and...

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POV vore - you and an elephant

File it under "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Like a lot of college students, you work whatever jobs you can to make ends meet. Dad pays for the dorm room, which keeps you housed and fed, but not much more. You take odd jobs so you'll have...

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POV vore - you and the jaguar

"Please don't look into Wally's mouth when he yawns," you read from the sign. "He's on a diet." You grin. The zoo staff has a sense of humor. This, the warning signs around the anteater pen complete with red circle and bar "no tongue" posters, and the...

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The gryphon and the couatl

Near the town of Adelburg in Five Villages County, up atop a grassy hill, stood what the townspeople called the Old Tower. It had stood there since long before the first of the villages was founded. The mossy stones of the tower blended into the...

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The kaiju predator (ghidorah/godzilla vore)

The battle had gone on for hours and both contenders were weary. Maybe that is why Godzilla was caught by surprise. He had separated from King Ghidorah for a moment, and it was as they charged back together that it happened. As Godzilla rushed forward,...

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When jail's not good enough (Master Tiger vore)

Two hooded figures paused by the mouth of an alley. The make of their cloaks showed they were well-off and probably shouldn't be in this disreputable part of town. Particularly not at midnight. The trash on the sides of the road, and the smell, should...

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Master Viper's secret prison

Every year in the spring, when the cherry blossoms bloomed, Master Viper went to a remote hideaway for two weeks of seclusion and private training. Every year, something like this happened. "Viper," hissed the other snake. "I too am a viper. Unlike...

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POV vore - prison escape

The days blend together when you're in jail. Especially in this jail. No cellmate, barely a glimpse even of the guards. They glare at you through the bars, sliding in your tray of food and otherwise ignoring you. It's just you and the lines you scratch...

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Stella and Hammy, an Over the Hedge vore story

A very short story I wrote lying in bed. It's not the first time I've imagined Stella as a merciless predator who snarfs down other OTH cast members. I do like my skunkettes. 83 \*\*\*\*\* **Stella and Hammy** By Strega Hammy sped to and fro,...

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POV vore - you and Swift the tigress

Kindness. Simple human kindness. Who would have thought that being a good Samaritan would get you killed? You love the park. It's one of the big state-funded ones and is several square miles of woods, streams, even a small lake or two. It's a popular...

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