We left the next morning before the sunlight filtered through the trees. Jonas was obviously very practiced in packing up his belongings. I was amazed at how much he was able to fit into his single backpack. Unfortunately for me, I was the one he...
A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 9
The on base cafeteria was small considering the amount of people it had to feed. The room itself was larger than the average school cafeteria, though and had enough seating for about one hundred people at...
A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 5
I stared at the five playing cards in my hand, glancing at the panther and tabby cat across the table from me. My canine nose twitched as Airman Richards, the tabby, upped the anti with a handful of bills. My eyes dropped back to...
Meridian Prime Draft 2: Chapter 2
The inside of the club was filled with animalized humans of every type, though there were a majority of canines. I guessed that figured. I had never actually been inside the club before and it was a lot nicer looking inside than I had expected. Instead...
Eternal Blue 11: Divine Intervention
Quint woke up in his bed; unable to move. His crew had strapped him to the mattress and braced his neck with makeshift bandages and what felt like spare pieces of wood. Tireal was across the hall from him; sleeping. The hyena sighed and closed his...
Eternal Blue 10: Full Circle
(A quick note from the author: Pronunciation. The names in this chapter may be difficult for some to pronounce so I offer a short guide. Hikage: Hi-kah-gay. Kogoe: Koh-goh-ay. Baki: Bah-kee. That should do it, enjoy!) The massive stone monolith...
Eternal Blue 9: Forbidden From Heaven
The Dodger sailed away from Taldoor under the cover of night. Meeting Blackclaw again was a surprise to Quint, but like most of life's many surprises he shrugged it off as coincidence. It did seem odd to him that he constantly ran into the same people...
Eternal Blue 7: Consecration
Alexis awoke from a dismal sleep. Her back ached as though she had slept on a tree trunk and her legs and arms were very sore. The female rat's eyes slowly opened and she yelped as she found out where she was. Ropes tied her firmly to one of the metal...
Eternal Blue 6: Mission Revealed
Tireal took another step; electricity crackling between his fingertips. Quint's finger squeezed the trigger and his heart shattered as sparks ignited behind the only bullet he had left. The small explosion from the gunpowder stored in the rear of the...
Eternal Blue 5: A Complicated, Simple Choice
Quint's ears pounded with the sound of his running feet on the solid floor. His heart raced in his chest. The rifle bounced into his back insistently as he ran on; gripping the cold metal of the pistol tightly in his hand. "Please be alright...
Eternal Blue 4: Alone Again
Tireal awoke slowly; his arms limp and stinging from loss of circulation. He cursed to himself and rose to his feet; shaking his arms to get blood moving through them again. He looked around him after his arms stopped tingling. This wasn't the hospital...
Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories
Quint cried out in agony at the blackness around him. All he felt was pain; an indescribable pain that seemed to penetrate every muscle and nerve in his body. Why did he feel this way? He couldn't remember anything that had happened before he was...