Destroying God by Being God
Despite the fantastic spectacle in front of them, and having heard its words, many of the Brotherhood began to fall and prostrate themselves on the ground, imploring pity and benevolence from the terror in front of them. I was curious what the big guy...
Caught in Mid-Stream
When you get older, you ponder things you didn't care about in your youth. When the hormones run high, and your muscles are eager for exercise, you have very few things that occupy your mind. If you're male, you think with your...
The Mage of Terra Danor
The air crackled, sending black lightning bolts through the night air. A rift opened; a mere empty blackness that made the moonless night seem bright. Something slipped out before the slit snapped shut again. "I...
Gone Fishing
The next morning found some disturbing noises coming from the chambers presentlyoccupied by the mayor. Huntchy was unafraid, though wary when he pushed openthe doors separating the dragon's room from the rest of the abode. He poked hishead around...
Horse Sense and Dragon Tales
That night found the two, dragon and horse, sitting acrossfrom each other outside under the stars. Huntchy had proved to be everythingthat had been said of him. His stupid act was as brilliant as the rest of hisabilities, which begged the question as...
Robbin Red, Intro
I won't say much about these stories. If you follow what I write, then you'll recognise the secondary main character. I am a firm believer in No Child Left Behind. The basis for this collection was riding around in my head for a while, and was openly...
Something Old, Something New
Now that I had a partner, such as he was, I needed to keep him occupied during down time. I chose him largely because he was good with his hands. I had old equipment sitting around, and while I didn't think he could necessarily handle...
Harsh Realities of a Coming Apocalypse
The face disappeared into the normal everyday dust. "You did see that didn't you?" "Yeah, I saw it. A lot of good a pile of transient art will do us," bemoaned Serrena. "I think that was...
Introduction to The Goddess Files
Hello Everyone, I would like welcome you all to the newest group of stories here in The Goddess Files. It may be a while before any stories actually appear, and I apologize for that. I am presently re-editing a documentary to add more material...
Foreword to Upcoming Submissions
I will be posting some original stories, or rather components of an original extended story that is based off of characters, locations and settings from the Spellsinger series by author Alan Dean Foster. If you have not read books from this series, I...