The Ultimate Redemption- Chapter 2
Well now to find out what is going on with Michael... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God what had happened? Michael suddenly just shut down in front of me,...
The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 8
Here is a change in plans for all readers. Something fun has happened that I wanted you all to read. I hope you enjoy... and yes, this is still The Ultimate...
The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 10
This is Ryan's last chapter (sadly) but a lot of fun things happen in it. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you...
Broken Youth- Chapter 2
Tyson stares at Will, his deep commanding gaze emphasizing his power over the room. The lion simply taps on his binder, his fingers running from pinky to thumb across the cover. Tyson doesn't really need to say anything, his expression declaring...
Broken Youth- Chapter 1
"Alright Ryan, here you go. Welcome to Southern California University." A stamp was placed on my forms allowing me to officially be registered as a student of SCU, a big change from the campus up north, colder and wetter than where I had just moved....