The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 10

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#10 of The Ultimate Winter Break

This is the Winter Break edition to The Ultimate Man featuring the Further Confusion Furry Convention in San Jose.

Here is a change in plans for all readers. Something fun has happened that I wanted you all to read. I hope you enjoy... and yes, this is still The Ultimate Man.

This is Ryan's last chapter (sadly) but a lot of fun things happen in it. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you thing.


Man it was great that Chris and his friends were at the convention. Tay has been a great help the entire time and given the last two days, I really want to hang out with him more. The first day was a great introduction and the second day things got more into the swing of it. Both nights I was able to dance with him and I have to say, that kid can swing it. I was glad that, as I got to know him more, he knew a bit of the furry community. I mean Chris is a great guy but I feel a stronger connection to Tay, on a variety of levels.

I really didn't see much of Chris and his boyfriend on the second day but Tay had always been by my side, helping out as my guide when I was suited up. Walking around as HuskRy was a complicated task, the vision impaired on a massive scale, multiple blind spots making it hard to see. Even though Tay had apparently never been to a convention before, he seemed well versed in the know all of the conference; him guiding me to various seminars and get-togethers.

On the 14th things got fun for the four of us, Tay encouraging me to participate in a fur off, basically a costumed fur suit dress up competition where fur compete against each other wearing a particular costume. The stall had been going smoothly, picking up at certain times, but dying off around 2 which was expected since the fur off started at 2:30. Chris and his boyfriend had gone off somewhere, and while Tay had sent them a text informing of my participation, we had not heard any response from them, leading us to believe that they might not show up. I hope he will though.

Heading into the backroom where the costumes were held, Tay got the information while I scanned through the clothing. The shorts that fit on HuskRy were well fitted, a set that I had bought particularly for this suit. I had hoped that they would have the same size hanging up on the racks, and as I scanned through the torn jeans, I was impressed to note all sizes that they carried. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I slowly turn around, the vision slowly bringing Tay into focus. Speaking above the crowd around us, Tay brings me up to date me on what all the competition entails. "Soo..." He shifts back and forth cutely, hiding something from me. "I thought this was just going to be a one section suit off but it appears there are three different sections. The first is Average Fur, second is Sexy Swimsuit, the last Government Official."

Hanging onto the jeans, I quickly look around for a great shirt that will fit, eyeing a nice black one off in the corner. Quickly moving over to it, I check the size and see that it will be a tight fit. "What time does the competition start?" I ask out to Tay as I pull it off the hanger. Moving over to him, we walk over to the swimsuit area and gather together a nice uniform, then head off to government uniforms.

Several other furs had already picked through them but I am happy to find squished in between a suit and a army uniform my perfect costume. It had been something I had always wanted to dress up as and when Tay saw it as well, I noticed dilation in his eyes as well. Tay stammered out as we moved to a private cubical, "The competition starts in 5 minutes. These costumes will look great on you. I will be off to the side helping out each time ok?"

Taking off my head, I smiled to him, happy to hear he will be staying by my side the entire time. Stripping down, I put on the jeans, my fur at first having trouble overcoming the tension of the new clothes but soon flexing under the sliding. Careful not to rip the suit, I softly jump up and down as Tay stands behind me, helping to pull the jeans up my furry body. Had I been a real husky I would have been slightly turned on when Tay grabbed my tail, pulling it through the custom made hole in the back, smoothing it out as he put it back down.

He knew how to handle costumes well, taking note of each issue I was facing, especially when it came to putting on my shirt. The black shirt was a deep v-neck, the sleeves ripped off. I normally wouldn't have any problem with it myself but with it being so tight, I had trouble gliding it along my arms, the shoulder area not stretching as much as I wanted it to. "This costume looks great on you but it is missing two things. I hope I can still find them." Tay comments as he runs off, leaving me to look at myself in the mirror.

"Two minutes," The competition coordinator yells out, all furs stopping to listen in, then rushing around to grab whatever props they could use. It is a mad house back here but as I peek around the curtain, I notice the size of the crowd which came to watch. There are at least 500 people in attendance. A sudden fear comes over me; what if I trip and make a fool of myself? God I could never let myself down. Out in the distance I notice two guys walk up; Chris and his boyfriend. They find seats near the front, a pair open off to the right side.

Tay returns, handing me my props, a huge reassuring smile on his face. "Did you see how many people are out there?" He asks excitedly, him peeking back out to see everyone. Taking a heavy breath, I nod my head, and pull up my cover, the darkness of HuskRy taking over me, his body becoming mine and mine his. Tay moves forward and grabs my paws, a caring look showing in his eyes. How I have missed that look. "You will do great Ryan. Now go get them HuskRy!"

Tapping me on the ass, Tay pushes me out into the line of furs, a good 50 lined up. Adding the last minute touches to me, Tay makes sure everything is ok, and then stands by me, walking up with me each step, the curtain light getting closer with each paw press.


"And next is HuskRy! This pup is a writer, natively from Santa Monica California. He likes long runs on the beach and chasing the tails of each eligible fur he sets his eyes on." The announcer calls my name, the moment for me to portray myself finally here. Tay releases his grip on my paw, his longing eyes wanting me to go out.

Taking a step out, I enter the stage, swallowing hard. A round of claps goes out as I start out unsure of myself, but with each step I take, I become more confident. Taking out my prop, I hold the plastic wrench to my shoulder, my construction worker uniform taking full notice of everyone in the auditorium.

"This pup is still young, only 22 but being in the construction field, I can assure you his body is built." I walk over to the announcer, a drag queen set up in a cat outfit. Pulling my muscles to "flex", I coolly stretch in front of the crowd, showing off my "muscles".

The announcer, wrapping her arm around me, speaks into her microphone, moving her claws to my chest, "He may be a husky but this pup is one hell of a bear. I mean I am having trouble keeping my paws off this sexy furry chest." After that, the crowd laughed amused at her statement, the furry relation sticking well with them.

After another minute of banter, I slipped offstage, prepping to hear if I made it to the next round. After every fur had passed I was elated to find out that I had made it into the next round. Out of 50 that had participated, I was one of 20 that managed to get in.

Taking a deep breath, I work back to Tay, him running up to hug me at the announcement. Speaking out to him, I warn him that the next round will be much more competitive. "Tay, I was lucky to get through that round. This round will be a whole lot harder, especially swimsuit. I think I have it but I don't know." Moving back to our little corner, I pull off my head and start to strip, Tay helping out with the pants as I take off the shirt.

"Yea it will be hard but I think you have it as well. I mean this is a really nice swimsuit." Tay commented as he pulled out the fabric, pressing it against my fur to make sure it would fit.

After switching, I look at myself in the mirror, happy to see how it turned out. Chris will get a kick when he sees it. Moving back out to the line, this time I am in the first 5, I take a deep breath and walk.

Stepping out from behind the curtain, a few gasps go out as they revile at how good the swimsuit looks on me. The announcer's eyes go wide as well, her speechless for a second as I coolly strut over to her, twirling around seductively. "Umm... Damn. Ladies and gentlemen, remember the construction worker? I told you he looked good but this pirate costume shows off some very nice parts of HuskRy's body. Come over here pup."

With the pirate uniform hanging loose, I rip open my shirt, exposing the furry chest to the crowd, a massive eruption of cheering going on. "Ok so we all know you want to plunder our booties but do you have what it takes to sink our ships? Show us what you have to offer you dog."

I was a bit nervous about working the suit too much, my main fear that it would start to tear a little on the ridges. Looking out to the crowd, I pick out a small female human sitting near the front. Picking her out, I motion for her to come up. She was unsure at first but after taking a few steps towards the edge, I make it known I want her. Slowly she makes her way up, the announcer unsure of what I am doing. "You claim her for your treasure?"

The girl moves up to me and meekly asks, "What do you need with me?" She stands short, a small 5'3 frame weighing probably only 110 pounds.

"With your permission, I would like to carry you around." I ask professionally. Tossing an added bonus in there, I continue, "If you want more, I can bench press you." It was a bold move to make, especially with the suit but I hoped it could be done.

A mischievous smile flashes across her face, a small nod, then she fakes to faint, drooping her arm over her head and falling into my arms. Picking her up, I strain the suit, but it holds together, lifting her frame up off the ground, cradling her with both arms. To help support herself, the guest wraps her arms around my neck, adding to the savior pirate saving/capturing her.

"Well now, this girl is just helpless for such a sexy beast. It must be his cute eyes, such things so hard to resist. I know I would fall into your arms as well if given the chance." The queen quips out as I carry the damsel in distress off the stage.

As I move towards her seat, I whisper out to her, "Thank you. I think you gave me some good brownie points."

Placing the girl back in her seat, everyone watching with amusement, she comments back, "Well be careful how you use them. Dogs are allergic to chocolate." She chuckles lightly as I turn to head back, giving a wave to the crowd as I make my way behind the stage. It was an unorthodox presentation but it worked how I wanted it to.

Tay was there when I got back, his arms crossed, a smug smile on his face. "That should have been me." He cracks and laughs, approving of my choice.

"Well had you been there, it would have been." I laugh back, waiting for the results as I take off the head to cool myself. Changing into the last costume, in the hopes I advance, I listen out for my name. After not hearing it, I put on the mask and move out, wondering if I hadn't made it.

Looking around, I see that most of the other furs had left the stage, only 3 still around. Man it was a brutal cutting of contestants. Locating an usher, I ask out if I qualified. Before he can answer, the announcer comes back, looking at the other furs then myself. "You, HuskRy, got the most votes, and did really well that round. Don't pull another stunt like that though as the judges weren't too impressed with a human on stage... ok?"

Nodding my head, I am relieved to hear that I made it to the last round. After the queen had left, I rushed back to Tay and hugged him, lifting him off the ground. "We made it. It's the last round. Come on this has to be great." Tay helps suit me up, making sure every piece is on perfectly. Heading back out to the line, I am stuck first in line, joys of getting the most votes.

Heading out, I am surprised when the others follow me out, thinking this was a solo event like the others. As we approached the center, the announcer tells what is going on. "Since this is the last round, we wanted to have you choose from who you think is the best dressed fur here."

Looking down the line, I see I am going against a Doberman in a suit, a Dalmatian in a fireman's outfit, a cat in a sexy teacher's outfit, and lastly a dragon in the doctor's uniform. Right off the bat the cat and dragon were kicked; my guess the audience wanting to have a showdown of dogs.

The Doberman doesn't last too much longer, bringing the queen to announce, "Ok, I am feeling a little fuurocious right now but we have a stereotypical setup of the Husky in the police uniform and the Dalmatian in a fireman's outfit." The crowd roars to support the guy next to me, him and I rivaling to see who can get more votes.

Taking off my hat, I twirl it around in my claw, looking out around the crowd to see everyone. A lot more had shown up now, the finale finally here. I am impressed I made it this far, given everything I had done. In the end the Dalmatian won, the black spots too hard for them to resist. I held my head high, shaking his hand in victory. It was a great play taking up about three hours, but it was a great three hours spent.


After changing back into my shorts, I headed back out to the crowd, receiving tons of congratulations for my second place coming. Looking out to Chris and his boyfriend walking up, I noticed they weren't holding hands, something that didn't seem right. They were both smiling and happy to be around each other but something felt off. "Congrats on your place Ryan!" Chris praises me as he hugs me, pulling me in close.

Tay moves up beside me, him beaming as well. "It was great. I was really happy to have been able to help him. You should have been back there it was a mad house."

Releasing his grip on me, Chris steps back and looks around, eyeing the other furs walking past us. "Yea I probably wouldn't have done as well as I did if it weren't for Tay." I pull him in close and hug him, ruffling his hair in the process.

As we walked out, I hung back with Tay staying just out of hearing from Chris. There was something pressing that I had wanted to ask him but I had always seemed to have forgotten. Seeing Chris and Michael together, I had to ask, "Do they look right to you? I know I haven't known Michael long but something just doesn't click with him.

Tay shrugs his shoulders, "Truthfully I don't know... I hope Michael cares for him but yea... I don't know..."

Continuing to hold back, I make the last comment right before Chris and Michael turn around, "I don't know if you ever met him but his previous boyfriend... I thought he was a better fit. Something must have happened."

Tay managed to get out "Oh something did..." before the two moved towards us, asking what all we were doing for dinner.

After dinner had passed, Tay, Chris, and Michael all went back to their room to change for the upcoming dance, allowing me to go back to my room and change as well. Even though I was going to be wearing the suit, I wanted to put on a fresh pair of underarmour, something to keep the stench from getting to strong.

Meeting the group down at the entrance of the dance at 9, we all went out to the floor. As was expected Chris and his boyfriend danced together, allowing Tay and I to dance alone as well. I mean we all stayed together as a group but each pair had their respective partners, someone special to call their own.

It was fun dancing alongside other furs, the sight of so many animals dancing together amazingly amusing. Lions were grinding with Bears, Cats holding Dragons; out here on the dance floor all sense of normal predator/prey was lost to the fact that people wanted to have a great time.

At around ten, my head started getting heavy. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't expect it so soon. Dragging Tay out of the group, I rushed for the nearest water booth, pulling off my head as we walked. "Water... I'm thirsty." I rasped out as I set my head down.

Tay was gracious enough to pour me some water, handing me the cup as I stood there. I had not felt this dehydrated in a long time; something that I knew was a bad sign. I needed to get the suit off before things got too serious. Looking over to Tay I could see concern in his eyes so I told him what was going on. "The dance floor is getting too hot. I need to change out of this to normal clothes. I don't normally ask this but can you escort me back to my room? I feel a little too dehydrated to make it there alone."

Stumbling off the table, it was clear this was not a ploy to get him in my bed, as others might have normally done; I really was on the verge of heat exhaustion. Heck I had been in the suit all day, I needed to change. Working our way up to the room, which took forever by the way, Tay was truly my guide, not role playing or helping out with my loss of vision. He helped to carry me, holding my arm over his shoulders.

After opening the door, I didn't care that he was there and to be honest, in my rush, I had forgotten where all he was standing. I started to strip. The clothes needed to come off me. The suit was a crafted five piece costume; the head, the paw, the footie's, upper chest, and lower waist.

Ripping off my paws, I threw them to the bed, waving my hands around to help get air into the suit. Reaching under me, I rushed but carefully took off the center section, revealing my sweaty grey shirt; it sticking flat against my firm abs. Sitting down on the bed, I could feel my sweat start to saturate covers. Off came my footie's, the paws flying off to show some soaked socks, which too came off to reveal my white feet.

Standing back up, I pulled off my shirt, allowing as much air to access my chest as possible. The wet slap of a sweaty shirt against the wall was slightly disturbing, but I was too into stripping I didn't mind. Pulling down my fur pants, I carefully got them off, taking note not to rip the fabric. Standing there in my grey briefs, I was finally at ease, the cool air being blown upon me. Turning to Tay I start to thank him for turning on the air conditioning.

Seeing Tay standing near the window, his body resting on the air conditioning unit, his eyes are wide. Unbeknownst to me, while I was eagerly stripping, he was checking me out, and it was clear to see. His cheeks went flush red, embarrassment taking over him, "Oh shit. I am so sorry." He blurts out, standing up to turn away.

While I am embarrassed myself, I think he looks completely cute standing there, his hands up covering his eyes, as if his back was still turned near me. "Tay it's ok. It was partially my fault as well." Gathering up the suit, I grab a hanger and move back to the bed to put it on carefully.

Tay turns back to me, slightly dropping his hands. Stammering he coughs out, "Umm... Chris and Michael are probably wondering where we are... I am going to go...umm... find them." Moving towards me at a quick pace, he attempts to pass me but it was at a very bad time.

I had just gotten the suit together and was going to hang it up as right as he had moved to pass me; I was standing in his way, hanging up the suit. Doing the little passing dance, we both shuffled back and forth to let the other pass, me trying to get out of his way and vice versa. In the end, I took charge, moving towards him. I was hoping he would move but he didn't, instead taking charge as well.

Grabbing each other's shoulders, we try to move each other, instead standing there like a brick. He moved in too fast and his face grazed mine, his lips pressing against mine, the burn of his mouth connecting. It was unintentional but there and when we both realized what had happened, we let loose too fast him falling off of me to the floor, lying out in front of me.

"Oh shit." I yell out. "I'm so sorry Tay. Are you alright?" I reach out my arm to help him up but instead he pulls me down to him, me falling flat on him, our lips connecting again, him wrapping his hands around my head. My eyes closed.

Well then that was a fun chapter right? Sadly that will be the last from Ryan as Winter Break will be ending soon. After that I will be taking a short break to get into the swing of things back at college. It's my final year there so my schedule for posting might be a little more erratic...