A Change Of Heart CH3

The otter woke up, his eyes barely wanting to open as he lifted his head off of the pillow it rested on. Sebastian groggily looked over at his alarm clock. It was only a half hour past five, and the sun wasn't even up yet. "God dammit.." he said as...

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A Change Of Heart CH1

It was the middle of October, just a few weeks before Halloween. It was shortly after 4, as the sun was halfway down is descent towards the horizon. At the nearby highschool, many young students were rushing inside after their practice ended an hour...

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A Change Of Heart CH2

It was around 6 at night, as the otter had just arrived at his two floor house. It was a normal, middle class home, except the fact the grass was quite long and it seemed some cardboard was covering the front window. Sebastian didn't hear any yelling,...

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