Assassin p1
The assassin: P 1 by Soen Diego The night was deadly still and tension was unusually thick in the old porcupine's house. Two body guards were stationed at each door of his large mansion and several more were positioned across his twelve acre...
Tamaranai Kyuui Ch2
The dragon fumed back to his village and was quickly joined by the rest of his hunting party who were still licking the fox meat from their teeth. "So....did you get that fox in the tree Kazuki?" Kazuki grumbled something and shot an icy...
Tamaranai Kyuui Ch1
Tamaranai Kyuui (Intolerable peace) A cool breeze blew across the midnight air and the moon beamed down through the trees, dancing and weaving through the leaves before lightly touching the ground. A young fox dashed through the bushes, panting...