Tamaranai Kyuui Ch2

Story by Soen on SoFurry

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#2 of Tamaranai Kyuui

The dragon fumed back to his village and was quickly joined by the rest of his hunting party who were still licking the fox meat from their teeth. "So....did you get that fox in the tree Kazuki?"

Kazuki grumbled something and shot an icy glare at the other dragons. "Awww....did that little foxie get away from you? Oh wait! Or was it that little roo that laid you flat with one strike?"

The two dragons laughed hysterically and Kazuki could take no more. He lunged at the nearest of the two dragons, a red skinny dragon with bright green stripes, and pinned him to a tree. "Shut up Toshi! If you and Kamachi saw me with the roo, then why didn't you help!? Aren't we at war with them? Three dragons would have been more than enough for one simple roo. If you two are just going to be joking around all the time, then maybe I should end your pathetic life here."

He slowly squeezed his claw around Toshi's throat and grinned as the dragon struggled for air. Kazuki slowly extended his razor like talons into his victim's soft scaly neck when something broke his blood lust. A small stone had crashed against the side of his head. He growled and turned his head around furiously to find the source of the stone.

Most creatures know that upsetting a dragon is hazardous to ones health, but to anger an already upset dragon was unheard of. Kazuki's deadly glare found its way to the very bold Doshi. His ebony scales shone brightly in the moonlight accompanied by his short, silver mane atop covering the top of his head. A single stone bounced eagerly in his paw, begging for contact against Kazuki.

"Doshi! I should've guessed that only you would play such tricks." snarled the enraged dragon, stalking closer to his assailant. Doshi griped his stone tightly with a wide grin across his muzzle despite his focused gaze. "You know me Kazuki....I'm always looking for any way to piss you off.....you know, you really shouldn't be messing with such scrawny dragons as Toshi and Kamachi. I'm always here....ready and willing."

Doshi wasn't a very strong dragon, but he was very cunning. He tried avoiding fights whenever he could, but when forced to fight, he was known as a strategic genius. In the short time that his attacker was approaching, Daishu had already devised several ways on taking down the larger dragon without actually killing him; only humiliating him as much as possible. His claws dug into the ground, a wide grin across his snout, and he flicked the stone at Kazuki, striking him dead center between his eyes.

Kazuki reared back, rubbing the point of impact and making a mad dash at Daishu. Kazuki had never been madder than he was now. He snarled, fists clenched tightly and an immense blood lust in his eyes but Daishu was unfazed. Kazuki was only a foot away, just out of reach of his prey. It only took one carefully placed kick to the throat to send the large dragon to the ground. The momentum sent him skidding several feet along the earth before he came to a stop just shy of Daishu's feet.

Toshi and Kamachi stood in awe, gazing at their fallen friend. They had never before seen a dragon fall so quickly and effortlessly. Daishu smirked and gazed upon the two dragons with their maws agape. "You two want to try me? Come on, surely two fine dragons such as yourselves can take on a scrawny wimp like me." The two dragons simply shook their heads, still amazed at the young dragon's skill. He had been taught well.

"No? Neither of you? Suit yourselves. Y'all have fun with your mighty and ferocious leader." Daishu winked, motioning to Kazuki before turning and walking back into the village.

Everyone in the village knew and loved Daishu. He was known as one of the greatest and most skilled hunters, as should be expected of the son of the village leader. All the other dragons had praised him for his efforts with the ongoing war against the kangaroos. Daishu was feeling particularly good today as he strolled through the village. Today was his 18th birthday, a very special occasion indeed. A small, light green dragoness ran up to him and took him by the paw, smiling from ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday Daishu."

"Why, hello Kristine. How's my favorite little dragon doing?"

The young dragon giggled and blushed as any typical 10 year old would do. Daishu looked after and protected Kristine ever since her parents were killed by a mob of kangaroos. Kristine had become like a little sister to Daishu and he would do anything to protect her. He scooped her up onto his shoulder and they walked the rest of the way home. The small dragon smirked and jumped off his shoulder. "I'll race you home." With that she took off running at a speed that Daishu doubted she was capable of. He quickly caught up to her, tagging the door and laughed as they both entered the darkened house.

Daishu fumbled around the wall and flicked on the light switch and found that the living room was full of dragons. They all jumped and roared in unison

"Happy Birthday Daishu!!"

Daishu stumbled backward in fright, almost knocking over a small table. When he realized that there was no real danger he laughed along with all his party guests. Kristine was laughing the hardest. "We got you good." Daishu blushed slightly, not one to be scared easily. He had to admit though that he had been scared. Kristine took him by the claw and pulled him through the dragons and everyone had a great time.

The party seemed to go on for hours and every dragon was dancing and eating cake, which took the shape of a giant flame. Daishu's mother eventually started wrapping up the party; after all, it was very late. She seemed particularly wary of the time, getting more and more anxious the later it became. When the last partygoer left, she gave a sigh of relief that went unnoticed by Daishu and Kristine.

There was a certain aura in the air like people waiting for an inevitable storm. It made them all a little uneasy. Daishu's mother forced a smile and walked up to Daishu, placing a claw on his shoulder. "You should get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day. You're going to lead some of our best hunters into the forest to try and discover the kangaroo's village." Daishu and Kristine both gave reluctant moans before being shooed off to bed.

The night was calm and the anxious aura still lingered in the air. As Daishu sank down in his bead, he felt unusually tired. His eyelids became impossible to hold open despite his best efforts to stay awake. Eventually, he relinquished to the night, letting sleep take hold of him.

The young dragon never dreamed much and often spent many restless nights staring up at the ceiling, but for some reason that was yet unknown to him, he would have a dream that would change his life and the lives of all around him. The dream started off simply enough. An army of dragons marched through the forest. Morning sunlight pervaded the forest behind them. Marching towards the dragons was a rather large army of kangaroos.

The two armies gathered on either side of an enormous clearing. Such determination and concentration were on all the faces of every soldier. Each knew that there was a good chance that they would not make it out of this final battle alive. A tall kangaroo advanced two paces before the rest of the army. His fur was grayed with age and a katana was clutched tightly in his paw as he stared intently at his adversaries. From the dragon army advanced a gallant red dragon with a long, silver mane. The two generals stared each other down before turning to their troops in a last attempt to raise moral.

The kangaroos stomped their large feet against the ground and beat their swords against their shields, causing a thunderous sound that echoed through the forest. The dragons roared out mighty roars in retaliation, some blowing fire balls into the air. They had no need for weapons. As the din of both armies reached its peak, a lone creature in a black cloak emerged from the forest and strolled out calmly into the middle of the clearing, between the two armies, and sat.

Silence quickly spread across the field as both armies marveled at the audacity of the stranger. The kangaroo general was the first to speak. "What the hell are you doing? Get out of the way or be killed!" The cloaked figure stayed perfectly still. The dragon approached the figure and swung at its head. A black, furry paw shot out from the cloak, catching the dragon's claw as easily as if it were an infant's. The cloaked figure then slowly rose to its feet and spoke in a clear voice that all could hear.

"Listen now. There will be no war today, or ever again between the dragons and kangaroos. Life will return to what it once was. There is no need for fighting...." A blinding light quickly washed away all vision before anything more was herd from the cloaked stranger. The only sound was the gentle voice of Kristine. "Daishu.....Daishu. Wake up! It's time to get out of bed."

Daishu groaned and kept the covers over his entire body, mumbling something along the lines of "Ok, ok.... I'm up." He heard Kristine padding of through the house, no doubt rushing off to get breakfast. Daishu felt warmer than he usually did under the covers so he poked his head out and decided to great the day, there was only one problem; it was still night outside. Daishu stretched and walked out of his room to find Kristine. She couldn't just run around and wake other up in the middle of the night. Dragons needed their sleep and he had to be well rested for the morning.

He searched the kitchen, speaking in a soft whisper so as not to wake his mother. "Kristine... Where are you? What have I told you about waking me up to early? Kristine...." She wasn't in the kitchen.

He peered his head into Kristine's room and saw her fast asleep on her bed. He tapped her on her shoulder and opened her eyelid but she was in a deep sleep. Nothing was going to wake her anytime soon. Daishu scratched the top of his head and exited her room. If she hadn't waken him then who did? He decided that is was best to get back to sleep. He yawned sleepily and stretched, extending his broad wings and walked into the bathroom before returning to bed. What he saw in the mirror caught him completely by surprise. Staring back at him was a black furred kangaroo. Two crimson stripes ran along his muzzle and his long, silver mane was replaced by short silver spiked head fur. Daishu looked over his body and found that the only physical dragon trait that he had was his two wings. He fell back against the wall, running his paws over his....fur, trying figure everything out.

"This has to be a dream.....This can't be real...."

But it wasn't a dream. A million thoughts blazed through his mind. How did this happen? What was he going to do? What would happen to him when the other dragons saw him? They would kill him. He was a good fighter, but he couldn't take on an entire village. He raked his paws over the top of his head and slumped to the floor. There had to be something he could do. He herd movement outside of the bathroom and instantly froze. The door handle jiggled and Kristine walked in, still half asleep. She looked up and screamed, as all young dragons were taught to do when they saw a kangaroo. Daishu quickly covered her snout so she wouldn't wake any other, more powerful dragons. He whispered softly, feeling relieved that at least his voice hadn't changed with everything else.

"Shhh Kristine! It's me...Daishu. You have to be quiet."

Kristine relaxed and mumbled something into Daishu's furry paw. Daishu slowly released her snout and crouched down next to her, smiling slightly. Kristine ran her small scaled claws over his kangaroo body, looking into his eyes and trying to determine if the kangaroo before her was lying.

Foot steps pounded through the house and Daishu's heart sank. His mother must have herd Kristine's scream. In an instant, Daishu's mother was standing in front of the bathroom, brandishing her broom. She shrieked and started pummeling Daishu over the head. "Let go of her you filthy roo!!" Daishu covered his head and tried to reason with the raging mother. "Oww, mom it's me! Stop, it's me Daishu!"

Daishu rubbed his head as his mother's attacks stopped. She stood there staring at him with disbelief, the broom still high over her head. Daishu straightened up and slowly opened his dragon wings in an attempt to prove that he wasn't a rogue roo who had snuck in. His mother dropped the broom and clapped her paws over her snout. A few tears rolled from her eyes as she slowly moved over to her son. She shook her head slowly and touched his face as gently as if it were glass.

Daishu smiled, feeling relieved that she had stopped hitting him with the broom. "I'm so sorry Daishu...." her voice was barely audible through her sobbing. Daishu shook his head and placed his paw on her shoulder. "It's ok. It didn't hurt that much.... I would've done the same thing if I walked in on a roo grabbing Kristine.... maybe even worse."

She took a step back, seeming to star off into space, lost in deep thought as her worst fears were realized. "No, not that.....I'm sorry that are.... one of them. It's all my fault."

"You can't honestly believe that this is your fault. You had nothing to do with this."

Daishu's mother remained silent. She leaned against the wall for support as the world as she knew it came crashing down. There was no use hiding anything now. She cleared her throat and asked Daishu and Kristine to sit down as she told them of her involvement with a powerful kangaroo named Zaiken.

Tamaranai Kyuui Ch1

Tamaranai Kyuui (Intolerable peace) A cool breeze blew across the midnight air and the moon beamed down through the trees, dancing and weaving through the leaves before lightly touching the ground. A young fox dashed through the bushes, panting...

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Yado Chuya Hotel: Ch.4

After a long wait, here is the fourth part. Sorry for the wait and thank you soo much to all you who have kept up with my stories ^\_^ Hope you enjoy. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Spencer returned through the lobby with...

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Yado Chuya Hotel: Ch 3

After a long wait, here it is! Ch 3!! Daishu's eyes darted back and forth, looking for some way to escape. The dragon glanced over at Toby. "I see you've made yourself a little friend..." Daishu started to pant and he squeezed his eyes shut,...

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