The Great Adventures of Dex Part 5
"DEXYPOO! WAAAAKE UUUUUP! Breakfast is ready." I flung out of the bed, startled. I fell asleep again? I walked out of my room and flopped onto the couch. "You should get a job where all you have to do is sleep." Ryan joked. "haha very funny." I giggled...
The Great Adventures Of Dex Part 4
I slowly start to open my eyes. I thought to my self while i felt something warm and big on top of me. Kyle! Where was i? I fully opened my eyes and looked around at Kyle's vast bedroom. How did i get here? I nuzzle Kyle's chest. "Good morning, sleepy...
The Great Adventures of Dex Part 3
I hopped into the passenger seat and he started driving. I couldn't help butnlook at him the whole time but i hurried up and looked away when we stopped. "Come on, Dex." I step out of the car to see where we were. "Oh my gosh, Kyle! How did you know...
The Great Adventures of Dex Part 2
I look out the window and i see the movie theater. We are finally here. I wonder what the surprise is. "Come on, you slowpoke!" I stop thinking and get out the car. "What movie do you want to see?" "Well i really-..." "i already know." He giggles qnd...
Fur High School Preview
High School... a living hell i have to go through. Thankfully, It should be laid back this year because i'm a senior... ...It's the end of Summer and school has just begun. I went to to go to my locker when... "Heeeeey, Dexy!" Hmmmm... that voice...