The Great Adventures of Dex Part 2
The story continues with more surprises to come.
I look out the window and i see the movie theater. We are finally here. I wonder what the surprise is. "Come on, you slowpoke!" I stop thinking and get out the car. "What movie do you want to see?" "Well i really-..." "i already know." He giggles qnd he gets tickets for the movie i actually wanted to see. "Wow, look who can read people's minds?" I giggle and i walk in to the theater. We find some seats and sits. I look around and notice something strange. "its empty in here." "That's good. I mean this movie has been out for awhile." I nod and eat some of the popcorn. "its starting!" I get excited and then i hear something. "Hello guys! I'm here, Ryan." I jump out of my seat. i don't notice him at first but i was still shaking. "Who is that?!" "This is your surprise date. You're welcome." Ryan grins and giggles. I look at the mystery date and i freeze. It was a very tall, muscular tiger with no shirt, showing off his abs, and black shorts. "Hi, i'm Kyle." He picks me up off the ground with his massive paws and i stand mystified by his beauty. "I'm Dex. Nice to meet you." He hugs my tightly by surprise. "Nice to meet you too." I was speechless but i need to think of something quick. "Soooo... Kyle... What do you want to do." "Its a surprise..." More surprises? "...but first lets finish this movie." He sits next to me and puyts his arm around me. Then he pulls me in and i rest my head on his hard, bare chest. I loved him and wanted him already. He seems so sweet and hot. He is the perfect package... but i feel like i'm not his type. I murr and he holds me tighter. All my nervous thoughts just disappeared. He was so warm and comforting. After all the cuddling during the movie, which i was too busy enjoying my new crush's comforting nature to watch the rest of it, we went outside. " Now you two have fun, okay?" Ryan's leaving? "Oh, okay Ryan. See you when i get home." "Sure thing, Dexy." I watched him drive off and it was just me and him. "Follow me, Dex." He started to walk to his car and i hurry to be next to him. I look at him and something clicked; I'm in love...