To Protect or Serve Instalment 3

Tales From the Kingdom of the Red Sun To Protect or Serve Installment 3 **T** amira stood at the head of the wide table with her advisors lining either side like rows of potted plants, neatly planted between wide rows in the wood, they were...

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Thorns of the Blood Rose - Installment 1

**Thorns of the Blood Rose** _Tales From the Kingdom of the Red Sun_ Six Virtues of the _Perterian_ **Honor:** Allow no dishonor to come to your family name by word, deed or thought. Strike swiftly and with furious vengeance against any enemy or...

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The Cat Who Dreamed in Opal and Diamond Installment 3.1

_Installment 3.1_ The trick to planning any kind of robbery on a boat was getting onto it unseen, getting off of it unseen and getting away with your haul without having it drag you under. Eisa could swim and contrary to many popular misconceptions,...

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The Cat Who Dreamed in Opal and Diamond Chapter Instalment 2

### **_Tales From the Kingdom of the Red Sun_** Series 1 **_The Cat Who Dreamed in Opal and Diamond_** _Installment 2_ **E** isa watched the sand dribble down through the neck of the hourglass, sweat beading up across the palms of her hands. The...

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