
Dr. Jordan gave Astrid a look over her drink. "How's your paper on AI psychology going?" The young grad student gave Jordan a shrug. "I'm not sure. My original intent was to get a better idea of how morphs engage in real time threat analysis...

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Ring of Blood

When I finally woke up, the world had ended 1,500 years ago. But that was okay, because God built a new one. ### I stood outside on the neatly manicured lawn of the waking center. Through the open archway leading inside the recovery room. I...

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

It hadn't taken much to pull the outfit together. Melanie already had a full body scan of herself on file for ordering formal business dresses. She sat at her desk in the office she kept on Nagrim Prime, and took a sip of wine. She merged it with the...

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RVA: The Red Vixen Redux

"This is going to be an interesting conversation," Rolas noted dryly, as their personal skimmer hummed along the road to Greenholme Colony's Governor's Mansion. Not wishing to waste time, they'd driven it straight out of the cargo of the borrowed House...

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