_Please explain..._ **He fluctuates between hating me, tolerating me, and holding me close for being the only person who will tolerate him.** _Which is why you don't realise what he does to people._ _But then... you do._ **I do realize it.** _but...
I'll Put On Black In Mourning
_I'll put on black in mourning_ _and cry myself to sleep,_ _and I'll be missing you,_ _my friend of ambiguity._ _Grey, black, grey, black,_ _was always the pattern with you,_ _and now you want to leave me,_ _because you just can't cope._ _You...
Rainshine and Adrien (part 1.5)
Adrien's back, as it turns out, was not broken, but only sore from the impact of falling (which Rainshine still wasn't entirely sure she believed). His right arm, however, was, along with the four upper ribs on the right side of his body. He also had a...
Rainshine and Adrien (part 1)
**Rainshine and Adrien:** **Part 1** _~written (and illustrated) by Rainshine Adams _ It had been a long day, and Rainshine was ready for a break from all the cleaning and cubsitting. The young aardwolfess had been promised the rest of the night...
O ever the best of friends are we, we three who say, "The best are we!" my friend, my brother, him and me, and my other half completes the three. And ever together, us three, are we, for us two are joined at the hip and knee, and the other's...
Wolf E. - Chapter 3
When the bell rang to signal school was out, many students ran to their cars as fast as possible, wanting to get out of there fast. But E. had other things on his mind. He had been thinking about Anistasia all day since that encounter in the...
Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1
There are five of us that live in Granny's foster home. Five. I've heard rumors said that my brothers and I are what drove poor old Granny crazy like she is today. After all, even one teenager can be a handful, but there are exactly five of us, making...
_Crocuta spelea_, she pumps in my blood, heart pounds, legs pound, lungs pound, mind is silent. Silent as the Death it mates with. Stronger than _Lupus dirus_, yet weaker with each passing evolution. She sighs, she dies. _Crocuta crocuta_...