ICG7: In Which There is Chocolate
Why won't this sunovabitch leave me alone!? Using a quick attack I juke out of the way of a set of sharp talons that rake the space where I had been just moments before. The pidgeotto soars back above the tree line for a moment, and I make an...
I Caught God 5: In which My Name is Finally Mentioned and I Stick My Foot in My Mouth
I groan as I come to. Everything hurts, again. I really hope this isn't going to be the norm, because this sucks. "Indeed it does, Mr. Upton." A deep voice agrees with a chuckle, "Though considering you lack experience and training, you've done...
ICG: Ch4 In Which
I crawl my way into a bush as soon I can move without feeling like my brain is going to explode. Once there I just sit and think. Thus far, moving has only brought trouble, and I've still got one hell of a migraine and a goose egg on my skull on top of...
My Name Is Kaine
My Name is Kaine Prologue Pokémon. They have always been a part of our lives yet distinctly separate from us. Creatures higher than the beasts of the field but, in spite of their great power and intelligence, oft considered to be a little lower than...
I Caught God Ch3: In Which I Am Tripping Balls
I know what the pokedex says about riolu. It says several things about aura, yes, but it also says that they can run all through the night. I can attest to the fact that this is complete and total horseshit. It's only been a few hours and I'm already...
I Caught God: Ch2: In Which Mew Sounds Like James Earl Jones
"Rise and shine pup!" a deep voice says with a chuckle, "You don't want to be caught napping by the trainer man!" I groan, that voice sounds really damn familiar. "We don't have all day kid." The voice says again. Seriously, I know this voice. I...
I Caught God: Ch1: In Which There is a Great Deal of Profanity and Someone Wishes They Could Have Gone Trick-or-Treating Instead
I lean back against the head board of my bed. I flip open my Nintendo DS and turn it on. It's Halloween night, and everybody is out trick or treating or doing fun crap. Except my family doesn't do Halloween. It is a heathen pagan thing that we are not...
A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch2 : Brothers
Chapter 2: Brothers I chased Rogue through the house, sliding across the tile of the kitchen in my socks as I tried to take the corner as sharply as rogue did. I let out a yelp as my feet fly out from under me and I crash into the stools by the...
A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch1: The Runaways
A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Chapter 1: The Runaways Sparks leap from a flint onto dry moss and kindling, and a tiny fire bursts into life and chases the darkness to the edges of the small cavern. I smiles as I blow on the flame while...