Gargoyles: Clan of the South- Part 2

The sun descended on the horizon. As night fell on the Manhattan skyline the gargoyles woke from their stone sleep. Pieces slowly cracked and chipped away from their bodies. When enough of their stone skin had fallen away they stretched, bursting forth...

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Gargoyles: Clan of the South- Part 1

He landed in a darkened alleyway, his wings aching from the amount of gliding he just did. He wasn't tired but his breath sounded loud to his own ears. He kept his eyes to the sky fearing that the one after him would spot his new found hiding place....

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Blood and Shadow Chapter-4

Inside the town the market was bustling, merchants called out to patrons for them to buy their wears. People stood at booths haggling over the prices of items. It was all sights and sounds that Preza had come to loath. She wanted nothing more then to...

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The Siren's Call: Prologue

"Freesail is an open harbor, all who sail the seas can find a safe haven here. From the common sailor to runaways. Even the King's navy send men to keep an eye on the bandits and thieves who might be lurking here." She smiled knowingly to herself as...

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Summer Heat: Chapter 1

Walking home from the last day of school Cale looked forward to relaxation, and his summer job. He never expected to find his kid sister there waiting for him when he walked through the door. Yet there she was. Preza beamed at Cale from her perch on...

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Hard Times

Marine glowered at the officer from her seat on the passenger side of her friend's car. Disapprovingly, she watched the officer rabbit and her friend conversing in front of her. She was unable to hear what was being said but knew that it wasn't right....


Blood and Shadow- Chapter 3

At dawn the caravan was already on it's way once more. At the campsite there were no signs of anyone having been there the previous night. Even the scorched earth from the campfire was carefully hidden under the desert dunes. Preza, who was still...

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Blood and Shadow- Chapter 2

Without another word Hybrin stepped out of the tent, leaving the women to the task of bathing, and dressing the newly liberated feline. Night had already begun to fall and the temperature was rapidly dropping. Hybrin could feel the cold wisps of wind...

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The Fuzz: Prolouge

She rushed hurriedly down the hall looking for a place to hide. Preza had just gotten the call from her very disgruntled "landlord." With a sigh of relief she came to the door of a utility closet. With a quick look around she made sure that no one was...


MLP Nightmare in Fillydelphia

Moon Glow fluffed the eerily, dark green cloud between her light lavender hoofs. "Hm, there we go," she said before diving down to the ground to take a look at her work in the night sky. Making a square with her front legs and hooves she made sure that...

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The Fuzz: Chapter One

Preza opened blurry clear blue eyes to the dimly lit haze of the predawn hours. Withe a groan she shifted and closed her eyes once more, not quite ready for the day. After a few more moments of rest she rolled off the couch and padded her way silently...

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