
Ressix took one final glance at the bloodied paw on the ground, then broke into a hobbling run. Obviously, he wouldn't get far on one foot, but he had to try something-- and negotiation was out the window after last night's bungled raid. The snow...

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They called it a city that never woke. Enraptured in the eternal Dream, this city slumbered onwards, with only the conscious few monitoring the needs of the many. This was the Dreamscape. Monolithic machines rumbled ominously, a deep, guttural growl...

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Rangertale, Ch.10: Resonance and Harmony

Rangertale, Ch.10: Resonance and Harmony The very air was tense, the sun bright overhead, and the dust around the tower had finally settled. Tull kept his distance from Rumelis and Mels, waiting for a good time to strike. The two Rangers kept a...

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Rangertale, Ch.9: Ancient Power

Rangertale, Ch. 9: Ancient Power The tracks Tull had left were lightly covered, likely by the winds that constantly wove their way around the derelict buildings of the Scarred Lands. The two Rangers quickly found themselves in a much more densely...

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Rangertale, Ch.8: Blades of Eulas

Rangertale, Chapter 8: Blades of Eulas The council dispersed quickly after the shards were given up. It seemed that once again Rumelis and Mels were under the care of Councilor Lenon, who bade them to hurry back to Nern. Their journey was swift and...

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Rangertale, Ch.6: Samnic Intrigue

Rangertale Ch.6- Samnic Intrigue The Samnic States are an oddity of the world, a "nation" comprised of mainly independent states. They convene in a council to determine international affairs, rather than referring to a king. As a world power, they...

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Rangertale, Ch.5: Uricht, Part II

Rangertale Ch.5 The Town of Uricht- Part II Fire had sprung out all around, and it was spreading rather quickly through the inn. It was likely that the fire had been set in the inn itself, for as Rumelis and Mels left the inn proper they could see...

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Rangertale, Ch.4: Uricht, Part I

Rangertale Ch. 4 The Town of Uricht, Part I The paths from the Fell Wood to the mountain towns were always unsafe, but the locals knew that as autumn approached the roads became rife with bandits. No locals would travel during these weeks, staying...

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Rangertale, Ch.3: The Castle Marenoc

Rangertale Ch. 3 The Castle Marenoc Castle Marenoc was deep in the Fell Wood, and though the maps' directions were at times uncertain Mels could easily find the direction needed. It was an ability Rumelis did not have, and he supposed more training...

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Rangertale, Ch.2: Tull, the Conqueror

Rangertale Ch. 2 Tull, the Conqueror Mels and Rumelis awoke to the sounds of footsteps in metal boots. It appeared that they were within a tent, as the only light that came into the tent's thick canvas came from the folds in the material at the...

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