Rangertale, Ch.2: Tull, the Conqueror

Story by Sabrebear on SoFurry

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#2 of Rangertale

Rumelis and Mels meet Tull, a Lupine who wants more power.

Rangertale Ch. 2

Tull, the Conqueror

Mels and Rumelis awoke to the sounds of footsteps in metal boots. It appeared that they were within a tent, as the only light that came into the tent's thick canvas came from the folds in the material at the bottom. Further investigation revealed that their hands and feet were bound, and a guard lay barely awake at the other end of the tent. They had been tied also to stakes driven deep into the earth, that prevented them from moving overmuch.

An hour passed this way, as they struggled against the ropes binding them. Mels moved down to bite the ropes, at which point the guard spoke up. "Best not to bite down, miss. There's poison in them ropes, and we want you livin'."

It seemed unwise to question- the ropes had an odd smell about them, a suspicious scent that resembled bitter almonds. After another hour or so, the flap of the tent opened up, and a figure emerged. In the faulty light all that was visible was a well-armored Lupine with a blade on his back. The figure took hold of the two Ranger's bindings and dragged them out to a lavishly decorated tent some ways away. This structure had torchlight about it, revealing the ashen fur of the Lupine, and many scars on his face. After retying the ropes, the figure turned and spoke to Rumelis and Mels.

"So, you are the Rangers, the finest of Arlas. So sad that you had to be bound this way, I am afraid it was the only way to be sure. I have some questions to ask of you, Rangers. You would do well to answer correctly, for your health."

Mels took poorly to interrogation, it was against her personality- and so she began with questions of her own. "You're Tull, correct? Why are you in Arlen lands once again? Didn't you get enough scars last time your tail got whipped?"

"Indeed, I am Tull. I will not discuss why I am here, but I will tell you it is not to invade Arlas. Not this time. No, I am here for something more... valuable than land. What do you know about the Blades of Eulas?"

Mels seemed surprised at this question, though she did not show much of it. "Only that it is a legend with no basis."

At this Rumelis spoke up. "I know more of the legend then that. The Blades of Eulas were supposed to be ancient swords that could pierce any armor. They were forged in an ancient civilization that crumbled, after those who wielded the blades were killed by those jealous for power in the kingdom. The blades were lost soon after the very conflict started to claim them. Nobody has seen them since."

Tull seemed bored by the lengthy description. "You are correct, Ranger, but you tell me what I already know." He pulled out a yellowed map. "What do you know about this map? It was with you in your travels, you must know something of it."

Mels did not speak. Rumelis did not know of the map, though he assumed it was what was within the sealed map case that Mels had taken with them on their journey. For a minute, silence filled the room.

Then Mels' bindings dropped, and a knife set to Tull's throat. "Call for any guards and you die a bloody death. Draw any weapons, same thing." Six knives dropped from Tull's armor, a sword from his belt. He walked over to the tent's edge, knife still at his throat.

"The tables have turned. Hmph. I shouldn't be surprised, considering your... previous experience. But you underestimate me." With that he rolled backwards into the tent wall, ripping through a patch of fabric that seemed weakened for this purpose. He yelled for the guards.

Mels cut Rumelis' bindings, and then rushed him over to another tent. Rumelis noted that this was the weapons tent. He made a mental note to map areas that he visited later on, in case these sorts of things happened. They retrieved their weapons just as the guards arrived. Rumelis moved in first, slicing at the legs of one guard to send him tumbling to the ground. A guard next to him fell to an arrow from Mels. The next few guards fell rather quickly as well, which was surprising considering their organization they showed before.

The Rangers moved quickly after the initial battle, finally finding their lost equipment. It seemed even their tents had been recovered after their capture. However, they quickly came to the realization that Tull had the map still. Rumelis took this moment to ask Mels the purpose of the maps.

Mels looked at him as if he was the dumbest Kindred ever conceived, then remembered he was a blueblood- something quickly forgotten in the battle. "Those maps lead to ruins. The ruins lead to, potentially, the Blades of Eulas. We need to get the map back- I've faced Tull even without weapons and he is a fierce fighter. Consider yourself lucky that we have copies of the maps."

Rumelis noted that Mels was considerably less hostile to him when Tull was mentioned. Perhaps there was truth to the enemy of an enemy being a friend. They took what they could from the large military camp, wrote a report on the events there, and then moved in pursuit of Tull, towards Castle Marenoc.




Black-furred Ursan with blue, deep eyes. Has a dark brown marking running from his nose to about halfway down his back. He is a duelist, slightly muscular but not amazingly fit. A member of the noble House Ironclaw, he has decided to join the Arlen Rangers to fight for his country. Naïve but brave, he is slowly learning how to live as a Ranger.


A white-furred Ursan with amber eyes. No extra markings. She is strong, and agile, and bears scars from some battles. She prefers the classic Ranger knife and bow in combat. She dislikes nobles, refers to them as bluebloods, and distrusts them for reasons not quite yet explained. Strong and individual to the point of being aloof, though she seems less hostile to Rumelis after seeing his combat skill. She despises Tull and seems to have fought him before.


Ashen grey-furred Lupine, longtime foe of Mels. Heavily scarred and well armored and armed. Not much known of his personality, though he seeks the Blades of Eulas seemingly for personal power. A wily foe and fierce fighter.


Opinions? Suggestions? Typos? Tell me, please. I am by no means a professional writer, and even they make mistakes every now and again.

I had fun writing this! It's the first combat I've written about, really, and I've got direction for the plot, something uncommon- I am honestly surprised that I've written five pages already.


Tull wants the Blades of Eulas, artifacts that Mels and Rumelis have maps to. He takes the maps and runs off, Mels and Rumelis escape Tull's camp and head in pursuit towards Castle Marenoc.

Wondering why I call Tull a Lupine, Rumelis an Ursan, etc.? Read the note at the end of the 1st chapter, it explains my reasoning.