Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Ta- "Will you cut that out?" Startled, Eric turned around to find his roommate, John, standing behind him. "That tapping sound you keep making is keeping me up!" yelled John, his fists curled up. "Whatever it is you're...
I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting to find when I went into that cave, but... it certainly wasn't this. I'd gone because I'd heard the rumors. Rumors regarding the cave at the top of this cliff, the one that I was currently standing in....
Lunar Dust
Ding-a-ling-a-ling! The door to the small shop swung open as a short girl with long red hair slowly walked inside. She wore a long green and white sundress, and around her shoulder was large blue purse. She frowned, her blue eyes nervously scanning...
Dark Energy
The sound of happy music filled the air as Travis gleefully tapped away at the buttons on his DS. He was currently in the middle of one of his favorite games on the system, Pokemon Heartgold, and exploring though Blackthorn City, one of the final...
Camp Naturia
It was a new day, and the sun was rising over a small-ish forest nearby a fairly large town. Beams of light were shining through the trees, bathing the forest in a golden glow that mimicked the golden color of the rising sun. Some animals were just...
Cafe le Chat
As the school bell rang for a final time, Finn stepped outside, breathing a sigh of relief. School had just let out for winter break, and he was happy that he would finally be able to spend some time relaxing for the next couple of weeks. Things had...
"So... how's life been for you?" asked Mark, sitting down on the bench next to Phil. Football practice was in full swing, and all of the members of the Philadelphia Eagles were working hard, trying to make sure that their next game would be the best...
Kayla sighed, walking down the paved path that ran through the local zoo. She'd been here before, of course; she had always enjoyed coming to this zoo as a child, mostly because she'd always felt connected to the animals around her. She was aware of...
The Sheepdog Curse
The bedroom door opened and a large, black-haired man entered the room, noticing his wife sitting on the bed. "Hey, Marissa," he said, smiling at her. "Ready for bed?" "Um..." The long-haired brunette simply looked up at her husband, scratching her...
Mama Wolf
Diana's eyes suddenly shot open. She sat up in bed, quickly turning her head to glance at her bedside clock. 11:30. It had been half an hour since she had turned in for the night, and yet she still couldn't get to sleep. It was really unusual, too;...
The Ring of Happiness
Marianne sighed, walking into her college dorm room and closing the door behind her. This was it. The one thing her entire semester had been leading up to... at least, that's what it felt like. She sat down at her desk, pulling out everything she had...
A Shark of Land and Sea
"...Are you serious?" said Martin, looking over his latest assignment. "THIS is what you're giving me?" "Hey, I don't choose the assignments, okay?" said the voice on the other end of the phone. "I got the image, I was told I would be paid, and now...