HIM and I
"It all happened sometime in August. I was having these weird flash-backs of my childhood. It was odd though, when I'd ask my parents about it... They said they had no clue about what I was talking about. It happened so often that they started taking...
Good Morning
I_ _awoke in a cold sweat, not like it was any different. For the past week, I'd been waking up. Night after night, to a horrible noise that no one heard. To a strange dream that felt _too_ real. But this night, was _different._ I awoke to a voice, a...
What if I told You...
What if I told you, I wanted to die. That I'm through with living, And being alive. What if I mentioned, It gets worse every night. The thoughts getting louder, And that I've lost the fight. What if I lied, And said it's alright. 'No, I'm not...
Go to Sleep
It's time now, To rest your little head, Close your stupid eyes, And go to bed, But I'd like to tell you something, Before you slumber, You won't be able to count your damned sheep, Cause' _I'M_ here, To help you, **GO TO SLEEP.**
Going Away Parties are the Best
I received an invitation, To a delightful celebration. One where I'd meet, One where I'd greet, New friends and old. I rushed to the address, Looking a mess, Running through the doors, But all the room bore, Was a figure in all black, No...
Stupid Cat.
** I stepped into my shower, then let out a little sigh, This is what you've looked forward to all day. I let out a little chuckle, Enjoy it. This is how I escaped from my life. Everyday, I could take 15 minutes to- just relax. It may sound stupid,...