Going Away Parties are the Best

Story by ribidabibi on SoFurry

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I like to write poetry sometimes. So, here's what sprouted out of my head. Now, I have the picture of me and a flower popping out of my head. damnit

I received an invitation,

To a delightful celebration.

One where I'd meet,

One where I'd greet,

New friends and old.

I rushed to the address,

Looking a mess,

Running through the doors,

But all the room bore,

Was a figure in all black,

No one to greet,

Or meet,

Just some person in a seat.


"Shalom, what have we here?

A small person, with nothing to bare?"

I looked down at my empty hands,

And offered the figure my beautiful band.

Yet all he did was shake his head.

"No friends to meet.

No friends to greet.

This is a celebration.

Your going away celebration!"

I looked at the invitation.

While the figure recited some incantation.

"No friends here,

No friends near,

No one to hear your fear!

A celebration,

With ONE invitation!

A party where you'll disappear!"

And with a wave of his hand,

I fell asleep.
