The Anger Poem
As old as time As high as the star As magnificent as belligerent As black as coal These creatures of Earth Have been agitating the ground since the very first lore. - "CURSE, CURSE those blasphemous apes," they roared "For eons, mother has...
STRONG- Chapter 2
_Mom...Dad...Brother...Everyone...Where are they...?_ _Are they...gone? Gone? Forever?_ _Mom...Dad...Brother...Everything..._ _Please...Don't go..._ _Please....Please don't go..._ _Mom...Dad...Brother..._ _Mom..._ _Dad..._ He collapsed limply...
Writing Assignment: After waking up from a Dream
ASSIGNMENT: DECRIBE THE EXPERIENCE OF WAKING UP SUDDENLY FROM A DREAM ORIGINAL: > My eyes slowly opened. They were half, but I closed down and snoozed. Suddenly I woke up, confused, worried, for I had drifted to the slumber I did not aware. My left...
Writing Assinment: 5 min write, 5 min rewrite
ASSIGMENT: SET THE TIMER AND WRITE FOR 2 MINUTES ABOUT YOUT CURRENT LOCATION, THEN SPEND THE NEXT 5 MINUTES REWRITING AND EDITTING Draft: > It's almost 11:30 PM here in my room and I'm tired as hell. My eyes are dried and sleepy, and looking the...
Asteroid Catastrophe
_"We interrupt this program to bring you an emergency broadcast. An asteroid..."_ Well, doomsday has come. That was the first thing I heard when I turned on my TV. An enormous asteroid is going to hit Earth in about a day. The host said information...
The evening
It was 6 in the evening. Hindenburg's eco-system began their daily turn-over. The orange sky was fading fast, drew nearer and nearer to the half-rounded ruby red sun as time ticked by. The ever casting shadow expands far more from the horizon,...
STRONG- Chapter 1
Deep in the forest of Adon laid a small town of Xayall, unchanged by time and untouched by the sword. Here lived a young wolf and his family. A young wolf who dreaming of greatness, of one day being a Hero. Sometimes he imagined as a noble knight, or...