Aether Wars {Part One}
My ears perked and turned toward the sound of a cough that came from somewhere near the back of the cave. I sighed as my head mimicked the movement of my ears and turned to look into the darkness where the sound had come from, my head then turning to...
L H A { 1 - 3 }
Pain and cold was about all I felt now. My mind was still hazy but slowly I had begun to overcome the mental block that had been placed over me, enough of my mental abilities were free enough for me to sense that the wolf who had been in the tube next...
Life Here After - Prologue
**Prologue** The conflict had started as a small dispute over the governments policy on genetic research. From that dispute arose a group calling themselves The Aeons of Humanity. Although small at the time, the group specialized in rallies...
L.H.A - Chapter Two - Part Two
I laid there on my back looking from one female to the other and they did the same. I watched as they looked at each other, then to me, then to the others in the room. After what seemed like a eternity I felt myself begin to grow bored and a bit tired...
Life Here After - Chapter Two - Part One
I hadn't grown accustomed to the pain my body was going through but I had become familiar with the cold that seemed to slowly creep into my body. The air I was breathing was slowly stopping. Whatever had happened, it was over. I opened my eyes slowly...
Life Here After { Time March } [ Prolouge to the next chapter ]
The beasts who had escaped from the lab had managed to strip the armory of its weapons and armors. Bred to use them they adapted and started to use guerilla tactics to slowly take on the human soldiers loyal to the Freedom States.. Fighting on two...
Special Interests [Intro?]
going to take a quick break from RNS to make a different story to do in my spare time. Keep in mind that along with my lack of writing experiance i also have a lack of knowledge on how to write erotic stories but here's my attempt at one. also. if...
Raven Squad Nine [Part 2}
kind of resisting the urge to call them chapters instead of parts but hey. heh. onward to part two! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The first thing i remembered was the darkness....
Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}
It had been years since humanity had learned to combine the genome of a animal with that of a human. although expensive the surgery only took a few months of treatment followed by time in a tank, that most who went through the procedure, nicknamed...
The anger within
ill try my hand at another story. noone seemed to like my first so hopefully this one is better. x3 ---------------------- ---------------------------- ...