Special Interests [Intro?]

Story by randwulf09 on SoFurry

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going to take a quick break from RNS to make a different story to do in my spare time. Keep in mind that along with my lack of writing experiance i also have a lack of knowledge on how to write erotic stories but here's my attempt at one. also. if someone has a character named Sheri, oops. heh. this is just something that came to mind so don't think im stealing your character or anything x3

Ill give it a while and see what people think of the intro. if enough people think its good ill continue with the story and make it into a yiff. if not ill let the story end with this and scrap it entirely.

The young panthers name was well known within the seedier areas of town where "special services" were always given out to those with deep pockets. Alot of jobs tended to come her way, only making her better at what she did as well as making sure stories of her would spread like wildfire, forcing her already large client list to grow even larger. Alot of the more "decent" people often called her whore or bitch when they saw her but she didnt care. As far as she did care she made more money in one night than those people would see in their life. "Fuck them." she would mutter softly to herself before pursing her lips together making a pouty expression that would than form into a grin that spread across her lips luscious black lips exposing her perfect white teeth for any around her to see.

The fems name was Cherry, or Sheri the cherry as some of her clients called her when using her first name.

She didn't really know where the nickname had originated, the thought had her moving her hands up to cup her, naturally large, C-cup breasts. The nickname couldn't have been referring to them. They were near D-cups just not quite there since they had started growing than stopped before allowing her to move into a long awaited D-cup she wished she had. A small sigh escaped her while her smile faded, her hands moving from her breasts to rest at her hips. She stopped moving a moment and took a quick look down to make sure her tight corset was doing its job, by showing off the top of her cleavage, her smile returned when she saw they were, a few male passerby's having stared at her as they walked by evidence of it working.

She went back to her thoughts a moment, the nickname couldn't have because of her pelt, as soft to the touch as silk. Her pelt was one of those darker colors that almost seemed to glow at times. The fur had changed to dark purple since she hit puberty, her pelt having changed from its bland light purple. Oddly, small white tiger stripes appeared on her upper thighs, upper parts of her shoulders and along the upper part of her arms. She was fine with those, they kind of gave her an exotic look. She also knew the nickname wasnt referring to her eyes. Although different, some had told her they where beautiful, one being silver and the other a dazzling, dark, sky blue.

The fem shrugged the thought away for now and continued her walk to work, trying to be as suductive as possible since she loved all the attention. It had taken a bit of practice to get her tail to sway how she wanted it to with the movement of her hips while she walked. Her large rump had been perfectly figured thanks to her favorite pair of skin tight blue jeans. Despite how popular she was she couldn't help but pity the fact that she was still stuck in a rundown shack like this one. She stopped in front of the building and stared at it a moment.

She winced at the sight. Although standing two stories high, the building itself was small, taking up the same amount of space as a city corner store. Sheri shook her head pitably and walked to the door, nodding once to both of the large male dobermen bouncers before walking into the building. It was still quite a while before she began her shift and already the place was fairly crowded. A small grin spread across her lips when she thought of all those who would come for her "special sevices."

She looked around trying to see if it had happened again. Someone, probably the owner, had made a habit of leaving a glass of alcohol out for her to drink before her shift. Finally seeing it Sheri walked to the empty table where her glass waited. Instead of sitting at the table to drink it like she normally did she decided to grab the drink and head for the door labeled "Employees Only." She opened the door and walked in, curious as to weither any of the other "employees" where there yet. She shrugged and made her way to the dressing rooms, drink in hand.