A Change In Tradition: Part 2

The chill from the snowy blanket outside brought more comfort than the yelling in the trailer. Tabitha scrunched up in the foldout chair left behind, bundled in a jacket two sizes too big for her. The benefits of hand-me-downs or charity clothes were...

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 7

David was on edge. That was, generally, the point of riding a dirtbike if he was to be honest. Having the engine right underneath his crotch, guzzling fuel as he drove down roads, offroad, and occasionally onto freeways in the dead of night. What he...

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 5

She probably should have called ahead. Amethyst bit her lip while waiting on the front porch of her mother's house. It used to be her house as well, and there always would be a place for her if she and Helga had enough issues that forced her to move...

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Into the Pit Chapter 7: No Home

Helga had spent more time than she'd like in police stations. From minor vandalism as a latchkey kid in '80s looking for attention to actual crimes that she'd been lucky enough to not get heavy prison time for. And, despite her dislike of authority,...

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Into the Pit Chapter 5: Fight Night

"You sure you wanna go to this? Doesn't really seem up your alley." Helga asked, staring at the MMA ticket in her hand. Amethyst's little night out with a new friend had made the vole change their original plans for the weekend. The hog didn't...

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Into the Pit Chapter 4: Movies are a bad first date

Rebecca's paws dug into her baggy pants. Green army style pants she got at the salvation army, and like with her red hoodie, helped hide her toned body. She knew that, at least somewhere in her mind, she shouldn't be ashamed of her looks. But she'd had...

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Into the Pit Chapter 3: Gym Brat

Helga pulled at the stomach fat she saw in her reflection. It wasn't much, and Amethyst kept telling her that she liked having a cushion to rest on, but the pig despised it. Growing up, she had to deal with a lot of bullshit about the expected body...

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9

It had been two days since they arrived at Helga's home. Two days where Jewel had been hiding with Alex, the wolf clinging close to her and afraid to leave for fear of seeing Phyllis. Helga didn't press them to leave, and Jewel had only left once to...

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Punk Rock Talks Shop: A Roadie Prequel

There had been documentaries about celebrity anxiety. How, despite advertisements agreed upon by guys in suits at board meetings, they're still people who freak out. Tiffany knew this, and never once tried to market herself as someone more. That...

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 8

Amethyst knew they should have taken separate cars. Why she agreed to let him drive was a reasoning only the Amethyst of then knew. Pity? An extra chance? Either way they fell flat as the dog and vole sat awkwardly in the front seat of his rental while...

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