
Terpsichorean- 1. pertaining to dancing 2. A dancer At last, her footsteps brought her to her destination. The length of the hallway short compared to the amount of gumption it required for the wolf to cross it. Every fiber of her body had...

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Rendezvous- a coming together The stairway creaked beneath her paws with each step as Sapphire made her way towards the rendezvous with her new life. The lumbering bear was her escort and he said nothing to ease he fears about the meeting that...

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As the heavy door creaked open, it unveiled the men behind. Men that would choose her path in life. Before she could fully consider the severity of these men, the first spoke. A hair-brained looking rodent clutched to a clipboard bathed in...


"Sir, she has every quality requested..." The thick, oak door muffled the voices within, but didn't block them for the white-furred wolfess who sat outside, waiting. One perked ear able to catch only fragments of one half of the discussion in the...

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Remember, Daddy Loves You

"Papa!" Aleu's ears perked high on her head while her coal-colored nose lifted out of the pile of snow that she was buried in, only her head and tail poking out from her snow dive while she shouted at her father, who stood only a few feet away,...

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They'd Never Let Us Know

"Aw, Papa..." A splash of water accented Aleu's whined out words while a paw dipped into the tub of water, rimmed with overflowing bubble bath, scented like bubblegum and forming the shape of a grinning Winnie the Pooh on the bottle. With a paw...

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You Promised!

You promised! The diner's soft rock music slowly drifted away, disappearing from Francheska 's attention as the two canines wandered out of the front door and down the chilled pavement. The thin soles of the pup's shoes offering little...

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Dinner and a .... Foot massage?

Francheska smiled shyly, the dim light I the diner clashing with the bright light of the outdoors in the window at the front of the restaurant. The small cafe was alive with customers and servers alike, people and furs moving to and fro in the...

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Super to Me

"Jake! Can you please, please just tidy up the kitchen for me? It's been a very long day and I need to sleep because I have another shift in just six hours!" "What, ma? I can't hear you! Maybe if you used super voice!" His own voice boomed out,...


Exactly As It Should Be

Sunshine streamed in the the partially parted curtains that shuffled open with the shifting wind of the morning air as it wafted through the opened windows. It brought with the smell of fresh dew heightening the natural scent of fresh grass and...

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The Light of the Moon

"Defense calls to the stand the accused-" A faint whisper raced through the courtroom as the audience members buzzed with excitement to see the accused man. Their eyes darted towards where he sat, hovering over him as he slowly stood, eyes stooped low...

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Let Sleeping Pups Lie

"I just don't want to leave him alone-" A voice crackled through the phone's speaker, too jumbled for Werner listening in across the room to totally hear. He lifted one of his pointy ears, trying to catch more of his mother's conversation on the...

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