They'd Never Let Us Know

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A short commission done for Phalynx with a whole mix of characters :P I don't often write any babying stuff but I tried to make this a cute little short for him.


"Aw, Papa..." A splash of water accented Aleu's whined out words while a paw dipped into the tub of water, rimmed with overflowing bubble bath, scented like bubblegum and forming the shape of a grinning Winnie the Pooh on the bottle. With a paw pressing her hips, Balto hunched over the tub and tried to remove the tangles from the pup's messy fur.

"Oh hush, babygirl. If you hadn't gotten so dirty playing with the other pups this morning I wouldn't be giving you a bath" Balto chastised, but he smiled at the glow of a blush that arrived on the pup's lighter fur that covered her cheeks around her plump coal-lump nose.

"I-I'm not a pup!" She yipped, though the high-pitched squeal of her voice suggested otherwise and only deepened the blush. Meanwhile, lounging in the sun-heated dust beside the tin bathtub, Sarabi held a tight paw over Simba's squirming mid section while her broad, rough-textured tongue slid over his cheek, scrunching the fur up beneath his ear with the slow licks.

"Ah man! Stopit!" His nose wrinkled with distaste for the process of her grooming, a blush threatening to shine through his golden colored fur. "You're messing up my mane!" The older lioness drew her lips into a tight smile, holding back a chuckle.

"But you need a bath just as bad as Aleu needs hers.." Sarabi mumbled around a fresh mouthful of fur, drawing a smooth line along the cub's neck, smoothing down the furs while he writhed in her paws again, trying to escape.

The cub's ears went flat to his head while his tail swished madly behind him, glowering through the remaining lapping for his bath. Sarabi smirked at his attitude but fell silent in the steady stroking of her tongue over his fur,steadily cleaning.

Balto, however, was not as quiet. "Show me that cute wittle tummy!" He urged, making Aleu's eyes fly open wide before her head darted side to side to see if someone had heard before her ears folded back and she presented the soft white fur of her stomach for the water to splash against. "I just love babysitting my little girl!"

Aleu pouted again, the same rosy blush that had begun to die down blooming once again at his words. "Do ya hafta call it that? I'm not a baby!"

"Oh but you are, Aleu! You're *my* baby!" Balto gave her cheek a warm lick before he helped her out of the tub, sliding his muzzle along her cheek in a loving nuzzle before he gently bit onto the loose scruff of her neck to carry her to a patch of grass nearby, laying her out while he drew out a fresh white diaper.

"W-what?" Aleu coughed, staring up at her father with the diaper in one hand and a blue bottle of baby powder in the other! "I don't need a diaper!" Her voice started loud, outraged, but dropped down to an embarrassed hiss at the d-word.

Balto gave a small shake of his head, as if to silently disagree while he nudged her her back onto the light padding of grass, nuzzling to her slightly plump tummy, baby fat still clinging on in places. "I love my soft little pup.." Balto crooned to her, smiling like a proud father.

Aleu grimaced. 'Papa!"

Balto only chuckled at her complaining before he licked her cheek again and lifted her butt up with a paw to splash baby powder onto it, a white cloud splashing up as the powder landed into her fur- spreading the sweet fragrance of cleanliness into the air and catching Sarabi's nose nearby where she smoothed one last tuft of troublesome cub fur.

The powder fell like snow and coated the grass around them in a thin coating, showing white while Balto pulled the padded diaper flush to Aleu's bottom and gently padded over the cotton fluff. "You've got such a cute little bubble butt, pup"

She scowled up at him, a sprinkle of baby powder on her nose, spotted over the dark black. "I'm no pup!" She whined, ears folded down to the side while her wide eyes peered up at her father, pleading with him to agree.

"No? Well you're still my baby girl, even if you're not a pup anymore!" Balto insisted, tightening the tape of the diaper around the girl's waist before he guided her tail gently out of the hole in the back though it didn't wag until he added. "Why don't we go play together? What would you like to play, Aleu?"

Her eyes lit up, excitement driving away the embarrassed blush that had dripped from her fur. Behind her, her tail started to life with a steady wag, making the diaper crinkle with the motion beating against it. The motion also sent a spray of excess baby powder shooting out from the tail hole of the diaper, coating the lawn in a stream behind Aleu when she raced off away from her father. "Tag and you're it, Papa!"

Her voice, filled with glee as she charged off from her father in the playful game rang in Simba's ears while he was pushed back into the grass while Sarabi scooped up the discarded bottle of baby powder and a diaper of her own, this own covered in miniature paw prints. "Ah mom, can't I go play?"

With a warm, patient smile her head swung from side to side. "Not till you're all diapered, Simba." Her paw gently pushed to Simba's chest, where the dark golden from his coat melded into a softer shade for his under belly, keeping him still even when he squirmed beneath her, pouting his bottom lip out while his pink nose wrinkled with distaste.

"But Mooooom..." He droned, head flopping back in exasperation while Sarabi lifted his butt up, tucking the diaper beneath him with a faint crunch of the fluffy padding before she selected the baby powder again, dumping several shakes over his butt, turning the soft yellow fur into the snow-white coat of a polar bear, powder flying off the tip's of his fur when he squirmed. "Ah mom! Didja have to give me so much?"

"Well I wouldn't want my baby getting a rash on his wittle bum would I?" She question, leaning down to lick the tuft of fur that had reasserted itself as a cowlick atop the cub's head.

"Aw mom, are ya done yet?" Simba whined, desperate to join in the game of tag that he heard the joyful barks from nearby, just out of reach with his mother keeping him entangled in a diapering.

"Just a minute, just a minute.." She repeated, hurrying to add a second shake of the powder over his crotch, where the small outline of his miniature sheath was nestled in soft kitten fluff. Once a cloud of baby powder surrounded them both, she taped the diaper up carefully, watching with amusement as the cub shot upwards to his feet, butt protruding from the bulk of the diaper while his tail tried to escape the hold of the diaper, unable to find the hole made for it and instead wriggling instead the fabric, sending baby powder out of the tail hole like it was a shaker of powdered sugar to top french toast.

Failing to free his tail, Simba slumped into the grass, ears splayed sadly while a fresh pout drooped his lips. "Moooommm..."

Sarabi perked up, nodding towards him. "Yes?"

HIs voice lowered, shy and unwilling to announce to the world that he needed his mother still. "Can you help me?" he mumbled, eyes pointed towards the ground with both ears folded tight to his head.

Sarabi smirked slightly, amused with his pouting behavior and patient enough to wait out his small rebellions. "What was that, Simba? I couldn't quite hear you, sweetie."

He sulked, shooting a slanty-eyed glare to the dirt beneath him while he gestured back to his diapered-covered, puffy butt. "Can you help me? My tail's stuck.." In emphasis, the slender appendage gave a hard wriggle inside the diaper, making a fresh plume of powder spray out.

Sarabi released a chuckle and fished a paw back into the diaper, fingers grazing his plump, cub bottom before she guided the brown-tufted tail tip out through the small slit provided for it in the back of the anthro designed Pampers. Once his tail broke into the air of the warm day, SImba jumped to life with the appendage lashing behind him. "Now can I go play? Can I? Can I? Can I?"

The lioness smiled warmly, soft eyes glowing with her amused affection for the energetic feline before she nodded. "You can play, though are you gonna let your ole mom join in?"

Simba gave a merow of delight and nodded in response before he tore across the grass towards the clearing that Aleu and Balto had fled into for their game, a peek through the trees showing the two canines. Aleu's freshly washed fur had been newly dirtied, coated with the dust from what her flying paws kicked up and the grass flecks from tumbling into the ground. Her father was chasing behind her, barking in mock attack while their tails wagged in mad unison. "Run, babygirl, run!" He taunted while they charged in a circle through the open space, Aleu's voice ringing with loud delight. "I'm no baby!"

"I'll prove you're a baby!"

She yipped in surprise as their circle was broken and Balto shot through the middle, catching her in a tight hug while they rolled onto the ground, his paw patting over her plump bottom, further padded with the diaper. "Lookit this little baby bottom.." His paw continued up to her stomach, rubbing the gentle softness of her lingering baby-fat.. "And this soft baby tum-tum!" His voice oozed with sweetness, babying her while he cradled her back in his arms, legs splayed up. A tongue lapped over her cheek, "You even taste like a baby!" He teased, smirking while a gentle jostle leaked another spurt of baby powder out of her diaper. "You sure smell like a baby! I think you're a baby for sure! My little Aleu!"

She blushed fiercely and tried to ensure no one was listening with a furtive glance around the area, spotting Simba making her flush nearly triple in the deep redness. However, his words made her tail wag faintly, feeling a warmth of his affection and paternal love for the pup made his babying almost enjoyable, though she'd never admit it!

While the yellowed furred lion kit barged into the clearing after them, a twig draped over the grass caught his paw and sent him head over tail tumbling down on the dust in a plume of tan and white, baby powder and dirt. Instantly, his head popped up with the bottom lip jutted out as a small pain rippled through his toe, stubbed on the wooden obstacle. His mother, from the edge of the clearing, leapt after him to scoop him into her arms much like Balto had grabbed onto his pup.

"Oh Simba! Are you alright!?"

Suddenly embarrassed the feline hissed and squirmed in her hold, arms flailing away from her. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! I'm fine- Lemme go!"

Nonetheless, the lioness kept her hold while she lifted his paw to her lips, kissing it lightly. "Don't worry. Momma will fix you itty bitty boo-boo. Does it hurt, baby?"

Simba glowered back at her, wrenching his throbbing paw from her grasp while the cowlick atop his head sprung free again and was ferociously re-licked into place, a purr rumbling from his mother's chest at the near-cuddly sensation of her son. "My clumsy little kitten.." She crooned warmly.

Simba, however, felt none of the attraction of his mother's spoiling and whined out a fresh complaint before he twisted out of her arms, hair springing rebelliously back up into its little curl atop his head. "Ah, come on guys! Don't be mushy! Let's play!" He leapt down into a playful stance, diapered butt lifted high in the air while he hissed out a miniature roar to start the game before tearing after Aleu with the intent to tag her, sending her fleeing from her father's affectionate arms.

A loud yelp rang out through the ring of dirt surrounded by trees followed by another ferocious "growl" from the future king while Balto and Sarabi shuffled to stand side by side, watching pup and cub chase after one another, dirty even after a bath with their diapers slowly tumbling of them in torn apart pieces after every tumble into the dirt.

"They'll never like the babying as much as we like giving it, will they?" Sarabi asked softly, smiling her patient, affectionate smile.

Balto grinned and leaned into her side, "They do, but they'd never let us know that."