The Ideal Furry

The Ideal Furry The ideal furry... -doesn't resent the human race -doesn't depict "anthros" as the pinnacle of purity and overall good-guyness - accepts all forms of criticism no matter how harsh - honestly tries to improve...

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

Ten years later... I was sitting in the command deck of my flagship, the Nautilus, crammed into what was possibly THE most uncomfortable command chair ever. It was an ugly thing; a frame of welded steel "padded" with a material resembling...

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

Ten years later... I was sitting in the command deck of my flagship, the Nautilus, crammed into what was possibly THE most uncomfortable command chair ever. It was an ugly thing; a frame of welded steel "padded" with a material resembling...

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The Patchwork Soldier Part III

That night, I had a dream. I was walking through an abandoned sector of the Station.: The walls were grimy and dented; the rubberized floor panels were frayed to stretchy ribbons; the circulator vents gave off an audible rattle as they sucked in...

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The Patchwork Soldier Part II

Eight years later... BOOOM! A crater bloomed on the barren landscape, showering me with dirt and rock. Shaking the detritus out of my fur, I heard the distinctive "foomp-fwissshhh" of another missile launch. There just HAD to be a...

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

Low gravity combat is surprisingly peaceful. Without an atmosphere to conduct sound, there are none of the deafening sounds of a terrestrial battle; the sheooooms of incoming artillery, no bzzzz of active lascannons, just a heartbeat and your own...

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The Patchwork Soldier part VII

_WHAM!_ Somethinglike an old-fashioned freight train slammed into the _Nautilus_. "_What happened?"_ I yelled over the howling emergency claxon. "Heavy Magcannon round, Deck 17. " Reported the Damage Control (DamCon)...

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