Az utolsó menedék, the Last Shelter
**_Az utolsó menedék_**** , the Last Shelter** PariahLycan Featuring characters by Jagal and Aquila Chrysaetos Editing by ShaenaShepherd **I** _Le Flore County, 2017_ "Any idea how far we are now?" Gustav managed to choke out between heavy...
"I don't...lie to you, do I?" There was a long moment of silence in the air, as the two pairs of eves burned into each other. That question seemed to catch them both off-guard, and the large monitor pursed his scaly lips, as if unsure if he should...
Poppy Flowers and Diesel
# "Moshi moshi?" The shrike's eyes smirked, hearing the chirp on both sides of her head. Amplified in the right from the help of the mobile she clutched, echoed in the left against the chipping paint on brick from the shop's homely walls....
The Felicity of Dusk
The campus quad was all but empty by the time the twelfth chime faded from the clock tower. Only the last few stragglers remained, frantically gathering up their belongings and scurrying to class before their professors would notice. The college was...
Run for the Cliff
Run for the Cliff PariahLycan Characters by Jagal Editing by MonkWisdom A long, aching hiss cut through the air as heavy machinery fought inertia, before grinding to a gradual stop. After a final lurch and a moment of silence, the train...
The Downward Spiral
Isaac let out a sigh. He was tired. He pushed the front doors open and stepped outside, letting the metal and glass crash behind him as he meandered away from the school's lobby. He faced a pleasantly quiet world, the bustling of cheery life ready...
Robbed of the Sun
It is funny...the nature of our familial strife. You could not even venture to understand it, could you? Such a time far beyond yourself, more simple, less clear. You and those faces burned into your mind from when your eyes first opened cannot know...
her eyes, a predator. a dream
They have all gathered, the people of the kingdom are standing by the water's edge, so crisp and clear. Their cheers and chants dance over the ripples and climb up the tower far, far above, where the sounds of justice echo far and wide. The slice of...