Black and White Adventures Ch. 01 A Storm is Coming

A/N: Hey guys, I've decided to rewrite Pokemon BW, there's a bit more content, and the names changed (the story name) and I've added Pokemon nicknames. Hopefully it's better than it was before. And yes, this time, I will finish it. xxx xxx xxx xxx...

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Pokemon BW.02 Town Appeal

"Are we there yet?" a voice rings through my head. "I've said this many times Flo, we're ALMOST there." I reply cooly. "We're close to Accumula Town anyway. It should be just over the next hill." "I see it now!" chirped in Terry. "Do you see...

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Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh

"Off to Oreburgh!" I yell, starting to run out of Jubilife City. "Wait! Jonathon! I haven't had any tea yet!" Martha yelled out to me. "Tea?! You're making me wait for tea?!" I yell out annoyed. "Oh c'mon, it won't take long at all."...


Pokemon BW.03 The Striaton Situation

The next day, Jonathon and I woke up on the outskirts of Striaton City. "Good morning." I said to Jonathon. "Good morning." He said with a smile. "Did you have a good sleep?." "I did. Thank you for coming with me." I said, smiling back to him. ...


Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife

Waking up, I look around my room thinking, "this is the last time I will see my room in a long time." My Chimchar is the first thing I see, and I remind him, "Hey Chimchar, today is the day that we start our journey." Chimchar...
