Black and White Adventures Ch. 01 A Storm is Coming

Story by Natsiq on SoFurry

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#1 of Black and White Adventures

A rewrite of Pokemon BW

A/N: Hey guys, I've decided to rewrite Pokemon BW, there's a bit more content, and the names changed (the story name) and I've added Pokemon nicknames. Hopefully it's better than it was before. And yes, this time, I will finish it.

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I looked up as the driver announced "Nuvema Town. This is the last stop for today." I finally arrived in Nuvema Town. The only Pokemon that I had brought with me was a Treeko. You may be wondering why I have a Treeko in the Unova region. The truth is, I'm from the Hoenn region, from a small town called Fallarbor.

My name is Stormy and I am 5'6" with a long, purple ponytail. I usually wear a black tank top with a pair of jeans and a headband with a pokeball symbol on it. I can be a little short tempered at times, but overall I have a good personality.

I've never been to the Unova region, so I don't really know the customs yet. Deciding not to get lost, I asked a few locals where Professor Juniper's lab was, to which they pointed to the middle of town. It took me about five minutes to walk to the lab, and as I walked in through the door into lab, I called out, "Professor Juniper! It's me, Stormy! I'm here to talk to you about my travels in Hoenn!"

"Ah, Stormy, it's good to see you." The professor said as she walked out of a back room. "There are a couple of people I would like you to meet before we start your story. Stormy, this is Terry and Florence." She introduced the two others that followed her out of the room.

"Salutations." The boy, Terry, said cheerfully. "I've heard a bit about you from the Professor here."

"Stormy." I said, taking his hand in a shake. I looked to the girl and eyed her up and down. "You two going out?" I asked off-handedly.

They both laughed nervously, "No, she's just a childhood friend." I noticed him blush a little. It seems like these two could be a bit fun.

I noticed Terry looking at Riko and decided to tease him a bit more. "Cute isn't he?" I asked him. He quickly nodded and looked away embarrassed. Florence hadn't noticed the Wood Gecko Pokemon until I asked Terry that question. Before I knew it, Riko was in her arms in a big hug. "OOHH HE'S SO CUTE!" she squealed.

"You know, he doesn't really like that." I said, calmly while she hugged him tightly. She didn't hear me so I yelled, "Hey, he doesn't like that!" she was so startled she dropped him to the ground. "Be careful with him!" I bent down and scooped up Riko.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, dejectedly. I swear, if I have to travel with them, I'm probably going to lose my mind.

"Hey, I know." Terry said in a happy tone. "Stormy, we should have a battle." He said, offering a challenge.

I grinned, "Whatever you say, but I do have battle experience you know. It might be unfair." I told him. "You want to Riko?"

The Wood Gecko Pokemon looked at me and nodded in determination.

"Alright, let's go Terry!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Kids, please battle outside, not in my lab." Chimed in Professor Juniper, "And Stormy, when you're done, please come back in so we can actually get to what you came here for."

"Yes professor." Terry and I said together.

We head outside to have our little battle. We took opposite ends of the field, me on the left, him on the right. I looked at Riko, "You ready Riko?" Riko nodded as I noticed a faint grin on his face. "Let's go Tidal!" I heard Terry yell as he threw a pokeball into the air. There was a flash of red and then I saw a little otter looking thing. "So this is an Oshawatt." I muttered to myself.

"Alright Riko, use Absorb." I said as Riko was getting to a battle stance. For dramatic effect, Riko shot his arms out in front of him, pretending that he was sending out powerful rays that would rob Terry's Oshawatt's HP. Really, though all he had to do was stand there, sometimes my Pokemon can be a little over dramatic.

Before Terry could even utter a command to Tidal, it was hit with the Absorb and fainted. He picked up Tidal gingerly, and made sure to thank his Pokemon for everything it tried to do.

I went over to him and said, "Look, Terry, I know that you think you can be a big shot when you get your first Pokemon. But having a Pokemon doesn't automatically mean that you can win every battle you enter. So don't be so hard on yourself." I patted him on the back reassuredly.

"Well put." A voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a person who was about a year older than me standing there. He was wearing black track pants, a dark navy shirt and a cap with a Pokeball symbol on it. Standing next to him was an ape like Pokemon with a flaming crown on his head. "Winning isn't everything kid, just stick with your Pokemon and you can win some battles others can't."

Florence asked the stranger, "Who are you? And where do you come from?"

"My name is Jonathon, and this is my partner Infernape. I am from the Hoenn region, and it seems I'm not the only one." He said as he walked towards us.

"You're from Hoenn too?" I asked, astonished to find another Hoennite in this region. "Which town are you from J?" I asked him.

I noticed him go a little stiff at the mention of a shortened name. "I'm from a place called Lavaridge town. And please, can you not shorten my name?" He had an annoyed smile on his face.

"Nah, I like it too much. It's stuck as your name now." I said with a playful smile. "So J, what do you like doing the most?" I asked, keeping the playful grin on my face.

"Please stop calling me that. And I love cooking. I can cook anything you ask me to, and it will never be under or over cooked." He said, revealing his favourite pastime.

"Oh really? Let's put that to the test, J, I want you to cook about a Shepherd's Pie with the perfect texture and taste." I challenged him.

"Ooh. Shepherd's Pie, good choice." Jonathon said as he took out his pan. "Infernape, fire pit, now." He said to his Infernape. He was like a head chef, and his Infernape, a Sous chef.

Infernape spit out fire onto the ground, "Prepare to taste the best Shepherd's Pie you've ever had in your life."

It looked like Jonathon was having the time of his life with Infernape. While Jonathon was putting the final touches to his Shepherd's Pie, I had set out tableware at a picnic table nearby. There was enough for all five of us to have one plateful.

Jonathon set the food on the table and it smelled delicious. He had also made Pokemon food so that they didn't feel left out from the meal. I took the first bite as per request from Jonathon. "This! Is! Delicious!" I practically yelled out.

On that cue, the others dug into their food. "J, would you like to come on a journey with us?" I asked Jonathon. "We want to go all around the Unova region to get stronger and grow a better bond between our Pokemon."

"Sure, as long as I get to keep cooking." He said with a cheerful smile. "And please stop calling me that."

"You can keep cooking, but I'm still calling you J." I said with a playful grin.

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A/N: Alright, hey guys, Thrasher (name from my fanfiction account) here, I started this story a couple years ago, it was one of the first fics I'd ever done, and I left it unfinished at only three chapters! Can you believe it? No? Neither can I. So, I've decided to rewrite those three chapters and continue writing it to actually finish it. This is a story a friend and I had come up with, and we wrote individual stories, his using mainly the characters Terry and Florence, with Stormy as a later addition and another character from his other Pokemon fiction, instead of Jonathon (who is my character). So it's really like a Version Exclusive. Kinda funny when you think about it. Anyway, I'll leave it at this and get started on the second chapter soon enough. I will also be writing the last chapter for The Chronicles of John Smith. Until next time.


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Stormy: Is he finally done? I thought the Author's Note would never end.

Jonathon: Well, it is a new (old) fic for him. I mean, he rewrote some of our dialogue, and added a bit more description to things.

Stormy: I guess, I would have liked it a bit better if it was longer, but I guess we'll have to wait and see in the future chapters.

Jonathon: At least the first chapter isn't a little prequel thing like in The Chronicles or The Files of the Insane. We actually have a full first chapter up.

Stormy: That is true.

*Thunk* ???: Ow!

Stormy: Who's there?

???: Sorry to barge in like this, hey everyone, it's Slasher (John Smith) from the SAO fanfic.

Stormy: Shouldn't you be in a death game or something?

Slasher: Technically, I am in a game. But seriously, I just wanted to see the new guys. Well, I'm of-

That's it everyone.

Slasher: Dammit al-