Phoenix (English) Phönix (German) A Phoenix stands for a new life. Ein Phönix steht für ein neues Leben A Phoenix stands for new force. Ein Phönix steht für neue Kraft A phoenix stands for the beauty in life Ein Phönix steht für das Schöne im...
Some Guitar Chords
**_For everyone who Play the Guitar :D_** Waiting fort he world to fall Jars of ClayIntro: Am, G, F, C Am ...
Leo and Tony- Chapter 2
**My last thought** **Chapter 2** Hm.. how I would start...I think with my name, that would bet he best. I´m Leopold but you can call me Leo, all my friends call me so or better... they done that... I´m 17 years old and...
Leo and Tony Chapter 1
# „You..." Chapter 1 **_Unexpectedly_** I should introduce myself first: My name is Antoinette but all call me Tony and I am 16 years old. Until yesterday I was a normal girl, Happy, irritable, cheerful, silly... A normal teenager...