Life in The Mines
Down in the mines, Where deepgold shines, That's where we live, And take what they give. Digging deep, And never stop, It's ours to keep Whatever they drop! The rocks, the stones, Reward us well, They give us loans Which we then sell!...
Author's Freedom
Author´s Freedom! Aaah, yes, such a wonderful thing. Let me tell you about it! It´s a place. It´s an ability. It´s an item. AND it consists of two halves. It will be hard to describe it, though the name tells you a lot already, I think. The...
_I've been in a dream,_ _In a land of floating islands._ _The air was filled with dust and colour._ _Fire was burning in some of the clouds._ _On each of the islands there stood a structure,_ _No stone left untouched_ _And half of the buildings...
Visions 2
...And amidst the desert, there was a pyramid. It was of truly great proportions, Nothing was I but a bit of dust in its shadow. It was a pyramid worthy of gods. And it was beautiful, Each brick was made of a gem Only the top was made of gold....
Before I met a He-Fox, Who said his name was "Ki-Fox", Or something resembling of that, Sadly, he did wear no hat. Because if he had worn a hat, Or anything else on his head, I would still remember his name, Hatless folks all look the same! ...
How Kaido saved Christmas(2010 Christmas...Ballad?)
The winter was cold and snow was in the air, But it was Christmas, so love was everywhere! ´Tis the tale of Kaido, a little cat boy Who was filled with all but joy! He had a family, loving and warm, Wasn´t missing leg or arm He had a meal,...