Chapter Seven: Bar Fights and Secrets
**Previously in Chapter 6:** A crash reverberated through the entire building, followed by Max running through the main hall and heading straight for the door carrying several vials in his paws. Jasper placed a paw to his forehead. "Ahh shit." The...
Chapter Three: Welcome Home
**Chapter 3: Welcome Home** "This _all_ could be yours." Jasper waved his paw out over the window, smiling at the sight of the sun setting over the vast city. "I know that all of you came from nothing, but I can give you _everything_." He caught the...
Chapter 2: A New Cause For New Paws
**Chapter 2: A New Cause For New Paws** Kari led the four down a long hallway and into an empty lobby. Vix was the first to make observations. "If it wasn't obvious before, this place is a hospital." He took a bite from the apple in his hand, waiting...
Max and Pendulum
With his flight cancelled due to weather and nowhere but a small cabin to stay, it looked like Max, a young raccoon from Florida, would be unable to make it home in time for Christmas. Sitting alone in a scantily furnished shack, he curled up on the...
Light and Darkness
Ty stood on the steps of his beachside cabin close to a small town. He breathed in the fresh air, free from pollution and poison. Slowly, he lowered his head to glance the wisps of smoke rising from a little community. It must be dinner time. The...
Endreama's Story
_Riiiiiiinggggg!_ The final bell sounded overhead as Endreama looked up from her books and collected her things. The weekend was almost upon her. _Just have to get through Friday._ Suddenly, someone nudged her from behind. She turned, coming face to...
Topple's Winter
Topple emerged from the door to a small cabin, stepping into the snow outside as it crunched beneath his paws. He shook off the snow that collected in the tufts of his tail and brushed the flakes from the blue colored fur between his ears. It was cold....
Dance in the Dark
_Another day gone, another night out on the town._ Lupus looked away from the window of his fourth-story apartment and glanced back at his reflection in the full length mirror leaning against his dresser. The clock on his wall read 7:30. He smoothed...