Love At It's Finest: Episode 3

Hi all! Sorry I'm just now getting to post this but I guess that's what happens when your proof reader's monitor goes _pllpht! _ Oh well. Here's Episode...

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 2

Well, the unamimous vote was: Love At First Sight! So here's the next installment. I hope you...

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 5

I had an hour until Jason was supposed to be here. Once we'd found the perfect dress, Abby had located a couple of baubles and trinkets for me to wear around my wrists. ...

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 4

Today's Saturday, I've woken up, and now I've nearly died of shock. I'm usually not the one to volunteer to wake up before 1 pm. It's ten past eight. Jason said he...

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