The Rule of Four (Defunct)
Alright, y'all. This is the first chapter of my entry to FANG Vol 4, which is due to come out pretty soon. This part's SFW, but the whole story definitely IS NOT, so 'tweens beware! **©** **2011**** by Lycanthromancer** **First Step: One's Alone** ...
Vignette from The Highway
I pedaled along the path, my legs easily pushing me and my bike down the miles that stretched endlessly before me. I'd ridden along this same walk for thousands upon thousands of leagues, and each one presented views both new and unique. The land...
SSAS (A Poem From Your Friendly Neighborhood Lycanthromancer)
It's new! It's improved! It's the SPAM you can spray! Despite how you vomit, our SPAM's here to stay! Roadkill tastes better, but WE won't say that--and we'll never tell you it's made from your cat... Decayed Soylent Green™ never tasted so grand,...