Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter
For a while now I've been wanting to write a series of articles about the 'science' in science fiction. How things presented in sci-fi might be plausible given our current understanding, and especially things presented in science fiction that we know...
Furtasia: Thladiran Language
In my fantasy-world of Furtasia, one of the races of beings that I've given a considerable amount of time and thought in crafting are the wolf-like Thladirans. I've even gone so far as to develop the rudiments of a language for them. Their language is...
Furtasia: Thladiran Pantheon
One of the species that I've developed most in my fantasy world of Furtasia, is a wolf-like people I call 'Thladirans'. They're built off of wolf-like races that I usually played many years ago when I played role-playing games. I developed a culture...
Chapter Ten - Dunar
Chapter Ten Dunar It wasn't until mid morning, three days later that Jon finally contacted Kiole and informed where he could meet them in the starport. He spent most of the time in between either holed up in his hotel room, or at a nearby netcafé...
Chapter Eight - Bai Umbra System Part 1
Chapter Eight Bai-Umbra System Part I David O'Rourke watched the seconds tick by on the mission clock, counting down the _MHS Burnside's_ exit from hyperspace. The timing of their exit would be crucial to the success of this raid. Precisely two...
Chapter Seven - Kethelon City
Chapter Seven Kethelon City Kandria watched through the cockpit window as the mottled blur of hyperspace fixed into star-lines, and then finally collapsed into pin pricks of light as the shuttle re-entered realspace. She brought the tiny ship about...
Chapter Six - Only In Dreams
Chapter Six Only In Dreams "You should try to get some rest, bro-bro," Gael Aech told Kiole as they lifted off from Morgomite City. In front of them the whole of the view port was filled by sickly yellow and green clouds of ammonia, which swirled in...
Chapter Five - The Two Sides Of Kieran O'Rourke
Chapter five The Two Sides of Kieran O'Rourke Kieran O'Rourke awoke to the sound of her comm-station's alert signal. Drowsily, she got out of bed, wrapping her bed robe around her, and stumbling over to her desk. Unfortunately, such occurrences were...
Chapter Two - The Brothers Gael
Chapter two The Brothers Gael Morgomite City was once a thriving mining colony, centered around harvesting the mineral for which it was named. But when deposits of the ore dried up, the Klaknari Galactic Conglomerate pulled out, taking its workers...
Furtasia: The Canari
The Canari The canari are a nomadic people who travel throughout the kingdoms and nations of western Furtasia in caravans of horse-drawn covered wagons. They make their way as traders, herdspeople, and seasonal laborers. They are often maligned and...
Furtasian Species Guide
**Furtasian Species Guide** This is a list of the types of anthros and other beings that inhabit my fantasy world of Furtasia, and may find their way into my _Blood of Atlantis_ series. I'll probably be updating this with some frequency, adding...