New Beginning Chapter 10: Origins Revealed?

The next chapter of my old Poke'mon story, edited and updated for your approval. Let me know what you think, and hope you enjoy! * * * "Chu mean Rai done this before?!" I half-yelled into the receiver. "I'm sorry, dear," Mom said, "but your...

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New Beginning Chapter 9: Little Girl Lost

"Nido?!" I exclaimed. \*WHAT?!\* Railina quickly explained that Dan was testing out her Safety Rod that prevented any Poke'balls besides her own from affecting her. The ball hit his foot and sucked him in, both Joy and Railina too shocked with what...

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New Beginning Chapter 8: You Can Never Be Too Careful

The next chapter of my old Pokemon story, edited and updated for your viewing pleasure. Hope everyone enjoys, and as always, all constructive criticism is welcome. ...

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New Beginning Chapter 7: Can't Go Anywhere Without Making a Scene

Another chapter of my old Poke'mon story, edited and updated. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome, and hope you enjoy. ...

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New Beginning Chapter 6: A Dirty Job For a Confused Soul.

Another chapter from my old Poke'mon series, edited and updated. Don't ask what that title's supposed to mean; it was ten years ago when I first wrote this. I thought it sounded dramatic and cool. Anyway, please enjoy the story, and expect to see more...

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Unexpected Ascending

Hello, everyone. Janus did a wonderful picture of my namesake, and it just occurred to me I never posted any of the story that started it. Well, it's time to fix that. Hope you enjoy! "Well, Dan, let's take an assessment of your life right now,...

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Neko Mimi 5- Copy, Cut, Delete

"Something about this doesn't feel right, S.A.R.A." I held my Sentella-phone in one hand as I raced through the mall toward the blaring alarms on the other end of the mall. My holographic helper was busy scanning the mall blueprint. Judging from...

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New Beginning Chapter 5: Fox Fire

Another chapter of my old Poke'mon story, edited and updated. I really hope everyone is enjoying taking a look at some of my earlier works while I work on new projects, and as always all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy! A few days out of...

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New Beginning Chapter 4: Role Reversal

Another one of my old Pokemon stories, with some editing and spell checking done. Anyway, hope everyone enjoys going through some of my old work. All constructive criticism is welcome as always. Most will probably realize this at the beginning, but...

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New Beginning Chapter 3: A Friend In a Sea of Rejection

* * * "So, what do Chu think of this one?" Come on, with all that food around, you think I'm not gonna open a few boxes to eat? I let out Bulbasaur and Nidoran and fed them a few pieces, to see what they liked. Needless to say, I helped myself...

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New Beginning Chapter 2: Hard Time

I was hoping with my peaceful surrender, I'd be treated like I was semi-human, which I am. No such luck, as the rubber-coated handcuffs pinched at my fur and I was shoved into the back of a transport that looked like it was from the mental hospital. I...

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New Beginning: And You Thought You Started Out On the Wrong Foot

Hello, everyone. I decided to post my old Pokemon stories, my first attempt ever at writing an extending story. It's well over a decade old now, but I thought I'd dust them off, fix some spelling errors, and share it(I hadn't even heard of SoFurry when...

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