Welcome to The Real World Chapter 1: Discovery
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Digimon or any of its related franchise. However, any OC's are my creation and you must ask me before you use them. Thank you very much. Jason Andersen sighed. He sighed because it hadn't been the first time his cards had been...
The Journey Chapter 8: The Season Opening Ceremony
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome if I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them OK? Everyone went back to Leon's campsite, the...
The Journey Chapter 9: Team Prime
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome if I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them OK? Leon stared in shock as the TV screen was...
Welcome to The Real World Chapter 2: Q&A
'Faster man. It's nearly five!' Jason urged Cyrus. 'I know! But this idiot in front of me is like twenty below the speed limit!' He answered, honking angrily at the said idiot. Fortunately, the driver in front of them took a right, allowing them to...
The Journey Chapter 5: A Friend and a Rival
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome if I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them ok? Leon woke up, startled. Looking around the...
The Journey chapter 1: The Beginning
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome i I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them ok? 'Professor Oak! WAIT PLEASE!' A loud voice...
The Journey Chapter 3: Goodbye
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome i I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them ok? Miles approached Paul silently, who...
The Journey Chapter 4: Viridian City
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome i I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them ok? 'Viridian City. "The City of Evergreen", huh?'...