Chapter 4: A plush for Jay, and a gem for G

_A mix of silly, strange, and melancholy here. We write what we are I guess... BTW, you'll see more of Jay and his plush friend in the next chapter, I assure you :) -Lemn_ "Hmm, that's thoughtful..." Jay said to himself, as he pulled a...

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Chapter 2: Hope Beckons

Till slumped slightly at his desk in Riverbrook Police HQ, as he was getting the last of his paperwork done for the night. He was working mostly by the light coming from the hallway as he'd shut his off to get a better view of the night cityscape...

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Chapter 1: Trouble

_This is part 1 of a series. This time around I made sure to actually wrote them all before submitting anything, so I'll submit around one per week. Strangeness and silliness abound, hope the strange and silly find it amusing :) -Lemnbunny_ The...

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Night Whispers

_Been an interesting few weeks. Rainfurrest 0 was a big success; much love to the staff and to all the furs who came out. Finally got a moment from my work backlog to polish and post this. No real yiff in it, but lots of love, cuddling, and of...

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