Children of a Mad God
The rumble of thunder beats with the hard drum of war. Shattered earth burns and chokes the sky with its clouds of smoke and fire. The clashing blades and flashing steel form the gnashing teeth of man's war host. Those that flee too late are stricken...
Memories in the Sand
Memories in the Sand The sands crested red stone cliffs whirling below the bluffs and into a valley of tomb housing carved into their faces by a people forgotten to history. An empire that lay buried beneath the ever changing desert with a few...
Tamer of the Mountain
Tamer of the Mountain He'd walk, continuously without aim, without reason. Though the woods in violent storms, over the rolling windy plains and through the vast desert. As he walked he listened, to the passing moments, to the world as it worked...
Depths Bioluminescent lights twinkle and glow brighter, waking the border collie from her slumber. Her fluttering eyes struggle to open and her weary body barely has the energy to pull herself from bed. The bed makes a slick sound, like she was...