Dark Destiny - Prologue
Dark Destiny 0 Darkness...that's all I can see, darkness going on and on...an endless abyss, but I feel suspended like I'm not on the ground nor is anything holding me... ''Hello?'' I call out ''Mother? Father?...
Dark Destiny - Chapter 1
Dark Destiny 1 Through the darkness, I thought I was alone...until I heard a voice calling to me. "Azoth?" it called to me, the voice was unfamiliar but definitely that of a girl, "Azoth? Azoth, wake up" I tried to...
Dark Destiny - Chapter 2
Dark Destiny 2 As I walked down towards the town centre, which was the where the stores where, although I was pretty determined about today, I couldn't help but feel something was...odd, I didn't know what it was...
Dark Destiny - Chapter 3
**Dark Destiny** **3** I was practically bouncing with every step on the way to the Blacksmiths, my father knew Krolan , the master smith, pretty well and occasionally gets some kind of work from him, but he never said what kind it...