The Promise

Hold my paw and walk with me, down the street and by the sea. Look into my eyes and set my heart aflame, And I promise that I'll do the same. Take my breath away and sweep me off my feet, be elegant, kind, and sweet. Hold me close and whisper...

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The Vanquisher Pt. 2

The surprise attack had been a spectacular show of firepower. A smoky haze drifted between both ships, the air thick with the smell of burning timber and gunpowder. The sound of the thunderous roar from the ship's cannons had left a dull ringing in...

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The Vanquisher

Holding the brass spyglass to his eye, Sig scanned the horizon. It was unusual for him to be up in the crow's nest, a duty he usually left to others, but he had awoken early and in a cold sweat - not a good sign if history were to be considered....

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The headlights of passing automobiles threw his shadow against the red brick wall, the dark form growing and shrinking as the vehicles drove by. His footfalls deliberate and measured, he kept his stride despite the growing number of puddles that dotted...

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