Kieran vs Sash. Tenacity vs Pride
It was a calm afternoon near a rocky plateau. The wind blowing softly through the grass below. The sun shining brightly overhead, leaving a vast shadow on the area behind the plateau. On top of the plateau, Sash, the Immortal Dark Knight was standing...
Korban vs Volcan. Stylish Skills vs Brute Strength
Volcan descends from above. "Ready for a rematch, doggy boy?" Korban grins and rests his blade on his shoulder. "I think this time the odds are in my favour fire head..." "We'll find out." Volcan retorted, his polearm changes into a Lancea. "This...
Kaleb Lightfire vs Vinge Glaseros. A battle of skill and tactics
Kaleb slowly walked into the arena rubbing his head. "...So much for a peaceful solution...." Vinge descended from above, landing softly on the ground, before standing up and crossing his arms. "Let's see what you can do." He uncrosses his arms and...
Luke vs Tsume. A battle of Speed vs. Dexterity
Luke was sitting cross legged in a metidative state, then slowly opens his eyes and rises to hsi feet, turning to his opponnent. "...Well...shall we begin...?" He gets into a stance, preparing for battle. Tsume steps into the field, brandishing her...
Minato vs The Darkness. The ultimate clash of Light vs Shadow
It was a sunny mid afternoon. The sun was high in the sky shining brightly down on a rocky desert below. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet....almost too quiet....Then instantly a loud boom was heard and from the source, a man was spiralling away at...
Dragonball Ultimate Arc 1, Chapter 1: Plans Gone Awry
Destruction... Carnage... That was all the infant Saiyan could see as he was loaded into a Saiyan Pod. His underdeveloped mind couldn't process what was going on or why such destruction was befalling his home. All he knew was that he was scared...
Illusionary Peril
Today was about to become a rather...interesting day in Port Azure. Luke had been feeling somewhat antsy for a while now since his last group mission with Volcan and Team Phalanx, and it was becoming quite apparent to the Blaziken that something...